ASÍ, Efling, VR. So powerful chairmen Fabio Ronti skrifar 14. október 2022 17:00 There is something really amazing about human being : the communication. Some people are trying to talk, to listen, to understand, to explain what they think and to debate. Some other people leave a congress and create chaos. In March 2022, I got invited to participate to the SGS Congress. I have been listening carefully everything. I learned. I gave my point of view. And, somehow, some people started to wonder who I was. During this congress, we had to vote for the new board. Vilhjálmur Birgisson, supported by Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, became the new SGS Chairman. While she did not get a vote for becoming delegate. As a Efling’s member, I have been asked, like everybody from Efling, to vote for specific names. No free choice, no free will. It has to be Vilhjálmur president. I remember the faces of my colleagues sitting next to me, wondering what was happening. Do we have to follow our board ? Is this, what we call, democracy ? So, I went to talk to some people from other unions about that, and nobody seemed really surprised by this method. It is is not illegal, but it is not really human neither. Somehow, it is all about politic. I sat down and vote for who I wanted. Welcome to the political world. And if karma exists, then we are all glad Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir was not elected as delegate. Glad ? Not quit sure. One month later, everybody working for Efling got laid off. It can, of course, be a coincidence. Who knows ? I have been participating to many meetings as union representative and, I have to be honest, I am really glad I have met Sólveig. She has balls, you know. She knows what she wants, she is smart and she will always make everything to achieve her goals. And she is able to use words like no one. I really admire her for that. But, she is too obvious and her methods are really old ways methods. During a meeting, she asked all union representatives to send an email to Katrín Jakobsdóttir for contesting some of her decisions. I said directly to Sólveig it was a old way to get something from the Prime Minister and that she could even complain about harassment from us. And she just answered me that old ways are the best ways. Old ways… Like contesting by dismissing and get elected again ? Like firing everybody after loosing SGS election ? Like standing up and leaving ASÍ Congress because… because… because of what by the way ? ASÍ Congress was the biggest congress of the year and could have been defining the future of many employees in Iceland. It was awaited by thousand of people. We are struggling, with low wages, high interests, high rents, inflation,… And this congress is made for helping us. For writing the future. For debating. For talking and for helping each other. For supporting each other. For being united against the poverty that settles in Iceland. Of course, we need a new ASÍ President. And we are so lucky we can vote for it. As an employee who is waiting for more rights, I am really shocked by those representatives who left the congress for no reason. No reason. Just because the old ways are the best. Being listened by creating chaos. Show to all unions in Iceland who is the biggest and who has the power. But, as a member of Efling, am I surprised ? We know Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir. We know how she reacts. She is someone so great with words. She, once, dared to compare an immigrant who fought for his life in Iceland, to a great icelandic man who is fighting every day of his life to help foreigners and Icelanders to survive in Iceland and to avoid slavery and get a better life. A man respected by all profession by his actions. A man who dared to tell her how bad she is ruling Efling. And who got verbally lynched for telling out loud what everybody think silently. She got applauded for that. She is someone you do not want to fight. But, she is using old ways… Was she scared of loosing ASÍ election ? She is saying she is considering of quitting ASÍ. But where is the democracy ? Do we want to quit ASÍ ? Do we want to live in a chaos, with low wages, inflation and an Union which is representing no one else than Sólveig and her friends ? While we are watching presidents fighting for more power, we are still surviving and trying to find a way to pay our bills. While they think they fight for us, we see some kids mad it’s time to stop playing, and crying and shouting for playing longer until they got what they want. While I was hoping someone would fight for my rights, they were standing up and giving up all their will without fighting. And all of that, with the money we give them every month with a hard work. But let me tell you one last thing. This is what we call chaos. And we all let it happens. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Ólga innan Eflingar ASÍ Stéttarfélög Mest lesið Eignarhaldsfélag Ingu og hirðin hennar Davíð Bergmann Skoðun Opið bréf til Ingu Sæland Ragnar Erling Hermannsson Skoðun Svar við greininni „Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu“ Hópur lækna Skoðun Agaleysi í íslenskum skólum - Kennarar þurfa valdið til baka Sigrún Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir Skoðun Spurningar og svör um Evrópumál Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson Skoðun Rangfeðranir Sævar Þór Jónsson Skoðun Í skugga misvægis atkvæðanna Örn Sigurðsson Skoðun Er samþykki barna túlkunaratriði? Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir Skoðun Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu Guðrún Nanna Egilsdóttir,Thor Aspelund,Jóhanna E. Torfadóttir Skoðun Samtrygging verkalýðshreyfingar og samtaka atvinnulífsins í eftirlaunasjóðum launafólks Kári Jónsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Samtrygging verkalýðshreyfingar og samtaka atvinnulífsins í eftirlaunasjóðum launafólks Kári Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Húsnæði er forsenda bata Heiða Björg Hilmisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Eignarhaldsfélag Ingu og hirðin hennar Davíð Bergmann skrifar Skoðun Í skugga misvægis atkvæðanna Örn Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Spurningar og svör um Evrópumál Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson skrifar Skoðun Skýr sýn og metnaður Hákon Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Er samþykki barna túlkunaratriði? Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Allir geta drukknað en enginn þarf að drukkna Hildur Vattnes Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Agaleysi í íslenskum skólum - Kennarar þurfa valdið til baka Sigrún Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Svar við greininni „Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu“ Hópur lækna skrifar Skoðun Fjórar leiðir til að verða besta útgáfan af þér Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir skrifar Skoðun Ferðalag sálna Matthildur Björnsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Ekkert samráð – ekkert traust Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Viðreisn, Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn og fátæka fólkið Yngvi Ómar Sighvatsson ,Jón Ferdínand Estherarson skrifar Skoðun Að vera með BRCA-stökkbreytingu Brynja Rún Sævarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Opið bréf til foreldra í Stakkaborg Jónína Einarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Rammaáætlun og Hvammsvirkjun: Heimilt en ekki skylt Mörður Árnason skrifar Skoðun Hvernig þjóð viljum við vera? Sigrún Lilja Guðbjörnsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Meiri rökræður, minni áróður: Borgaraþing fyrir þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu um ESB-aðild Valgerður Björk Pálsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Opið bréf til Ingu Sæland Ragnar Erling Hermannsson skrifar Skoðun Atvinnuþátttaka kvenna og karla Sigríður Ingibjörg Ingadóttir,Steinunn Bragadóttir skrifar Skoðun Mannekla á leikskólum Rakel Björk Benediktsdóttir Borg,Margrét Edda Gnarr,Hannes Daði Haraldsson skrifar Skoðun Tillaga um endurskoðun á virðisaukaskattskerfi deilihagkerfisins Þórir Garðarsson skrifar Skoðun Heimur hins sterka og óvissan framundan Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Umsögn um breytingar á ýmsum lögum vegna einföldunar og samræmingar leyfisferla á sviði umhverfis- og orkumála Erla Björk Þorgeirsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Viðhorf Leifur Helgi Konráðsson skrifar Skoðun Emma Lazarus og Frelsisstyttan Atli Harðarson skrifar Skoðun Rétt tímasetning skiptir öllu máli Ole Anton Bieltvedt skrifar Skoðun Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu Guðrún Nanna Egilsdóttir,Thor Aspelund,Jóhanna E. Torfadóttir skrifar Skoðun Sjálfræðissvipting þjóðar Ægir Örn Arnarson skrifar Sjá meira
There is something really amazing about human being : the communication. Some people are trying to talk, to listen, to understand, to explain what they think and to debate. Some other people leave a congress and create chaos. In March 2022, I got invited to participate to the SGS Congress. I have been listening carefully everything. I learned. I gave my point of view. And, somehow, some people started to wonder who I was. During this congress, we had to vote for the new board. Vilhjálmur Birgisson, supported by Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, became the new SGS Chairman. While she did not get a vote for becoming delegate. As a Efling’s member, I have been asked, like everybody from Efling, to vote for specific names. No free choice, no free will. It has to be Vilhjálmur president. I remember the faces of my colleagues sitting next to me, wondering what was happening. Do we have to follow our board ? Is this, what we call, democracy ? So, I went to talk to some people from other unions about that, and nobody seemed really surprised by this method. It is is not illegal, but it is not really human neither. Somehow, it is all about politic. I sat down and vote for who I wanted. Welcome to the political world. And if karma exists, then we are all glad Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir was not elected as delegate. Glad ? Not quit sure. One month later, everybody working for Efling got laid off. It can, of course, be a coincidence. Who knows ? I have been participating to many meetings as union representative and, I have to be honest, I am really glad I have met Sólveig. She has balls, you know. She knows what she wants, she is smart and she will always make everything to achieve her goals. And she is able to use words like no one. I really admire her for that. But, she is too obvious and her methods are really old ways methods. During a meeting, she asked all union representatives to send an email to Katrín Jakobsdóttir for contesting some of her decisions. I said directly to Sólveig it was a old way to get something from the Prime Minister and that she could even complain about harassment from us. And she just answered me that old ways are the best ways. Old ways… Like contesting by dismissing and get elected again ? Like firing everybody after loosing SGS election ? Like standing up and leaving ASÍ Congress because… because… because of what by the way ? ASÍ Congress was the biggest congress of the year and could have been defining the future of many employees in Iceland. It was awaited by thousand of people. We are struggling, with low wages, high interests, high rents, inflation,… And this congress is made for helping us. For writing the future. For debating. For talking and for helping each other. For supporting each other. For being united against the poverty that settles in Iceland. Of course, we need a new ASÍ President. And we are so lucky we can vote for it. As an employee who is waiting for more rights, I am really shocked by those representatives who left the congress for no reason. No reason. Just because the old ways are the best. Being listened by creating chaos. Show to all unions in Iceland who is the biggest and who has the power. But, as a member of Efling, am I surprised ? We know Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir. We know how she reacts. She is someone so great with words. She, once, dared to compare an immigrant who fought for his life in Iceland, to a great icelandic man who is fighting every day of his life to help foreigners and Icelanders to survive in Iceland and to avoid slavery and get a better life. A man respected by all profession by his actions. A man who dared to tell her how bad she is ruling Efling. And who got verbally lynched for telling out loud what everybody think silently. She got applauded for that. She is someone you do not want to fight. But, she is using old ways… Was she scared of loosing ASÍ election ? She is saying she is considering of quitting ASÍ. But where is the democracy ? Do we want to quit ASÍ ? Do we want to live in a chaos, with low wages, inflation and an Union which is representing no one else than Sólveig and her friends ? While we are watching presidents fighting for more power, we are still surviving and trying to find a way to pay our bills. While they think they fight for us, we see some kids mad it’s time to stop playing, and crying and shouting for playing longer until they got what they want. While I was hoping someone would fight for my rights, they were standing up and giving up all their will without fighting. And all of that, with the money we give them every month with a hard work. But let me tell you one last thing. This is what we call chaos. And we all let it happens.
Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu Guðrún Nanna Egilsdóttir,Thor Aspelund,Jóhanna E. Torfadóttir Skoðun
Samtrygging verkalýðshreyfingar og samtaka atvinnulífsins í eftirlaunasjóðum launafólks Kári Jónsson Skoðun
Skoðun Samtrygging verkalýðshreyfingar og samtaka atvinnulífsins í eftirlaunasjóðum launafólks Kári Jónsson skrifar
Skoðun Agaleysi í íslenskum skólum - Kennarar þurfa valdið til baka Sigrún Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Svar við greininni „Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu“ Hópur lækna skrifar
Skoðun Viðreisn, Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn og fátæka fólkið Yngvi Ómar Sighvatsson ,Jón Ferdínand Estherarson skrifar
Skoðun Meiri rökræður, minni áróður: Borgaraþing fyrir þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu um ESB-aðild Valgerður Björk Pálsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Mannekla á leikskólum Rakel Björk Benediktsdóttir Borg,Margrét Edda Gnarr,Hannes Daði Haraldsson skrifar
Skoðun Tillaga um endurskoðun á virðisaukaskattskerfi deilihagkerfisins Þórir Garðarsson skrifar
Skoðun Umsögn um breytingar á ýmsum lögum vegna einföldunar og samræmingar leyfisferla á sviði umhverfis- og orkumála Erla Björk Þorgeirsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu Guðrún Nanna Egilsdóttir,Thor Aspelund,Jóhanna E. Torfadóttir skrifar
Lífsstílslæknar og samsæriskenningar um mettaða fitu Guðrún Nanna Egilsdóttir,Thor Aspelund,Jóhanna E. Torfadóttir Skoðun
Samtrygging verkalýðshreyfingar og samtaka atvinnulífsins í eftirlaunasjóðum launafólks Kári Jónsson Skoðun