A Strong International University Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir skrifar 18. mars 2025 10:45 The University of Iceland is a vibrant democratic academic community and today, and tomorrow, students and faculty elect a new rector. The online election will take place on the platform Ugla on March 18th and 19th. Over the past seven years, I have served as the Dean of the School of Education, and I am determined to use my extensive experience of working with stakeholders within and outside the university to lead our university in the coming years. Therefore, I am running for the office of rector of the University of Iceland. As a rector I will be dedicated to implementing effective policies to support our international staff and students, their academic and professional success, as well as their overall well-being. The University of Iceland has transformed during the last two decades and is now a leading international academic community. Nearly 2.400 international students from 113 countries and 360 academic staff and doctoral students from all around the world study and work at the university. My Emphasis on Support Services for International Students As the dean of the School of Education I have a wide experience of organizing international education. Our school has offered the International Studies in Education at undergraduate and graduate level which has gained wide recognition. Most recently we initiated a new joint diploma program in partnership with the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Icelandic as a Second Language, specifically for international students who aim to work and study within the field of education and teaching. We have also arranged workshops for international students to strengthen academic writing and helped them navigate our curriculum and course platforms. Improving International Staff Services As a rector I will focus on strengthening the specific administrative unit within the International Staff Services, which was set up to provide strategic services for international staff members. The team aimsto provide international staff members with support before, during and after arrival in Iceland. It is vital to assist people from outside of the European Union and the European Economic Area to handle work permits and immigration processes, including obtaining visa, which can be challenging. It is also crucial to support new international academic staff in navigating the complex work environment of the university. It is vital to provide sufficient funding to secure such support and services. Academic and Language Support: Language barriers and different educational backgrounds pose challenges. There is a clear call from international students and staff for accessible language courses, tutoring, and academic counselling to facilitate their adaption to new academic environments and success in their studies and work. As a rector I will strive to answer these calls. One way could be to, for example, set up strategic mentorship systems, for international staff members and graduate students. Mental Health and Well-being: Balancing study and life issues is often stressful. I aim to strengthen the university's counseling services, support groups, and wellness programs. We also need to make sure that such support is always available in English to make it better accessible to international students and staff. Career Opportunities: To support professional development, it is important to offer career counselling, job placement services, and workshops, for example on CV writing and interview skills. Promoting such services will help international students and staff navigate the Icelandic labour market and secure employment opportunities. We Need to do Better in an Inclusive and Diverse University As a rector I will strive to give international students and staff members the opportunities they need to connect, contribute, and collaborate within the academic community. We have taken various steps in the past few years to make it easier for international staff and students to work at the university. But it is clear that we can do better. During my campaign I have met with many of you and heard a clear need for improvements when it comes to our international profile and services to international students and staff. It is quite clear that language barriers and a lack of accessible information is still, for many of you, complicating your engagement within the university environment. Of course, the main interests of international students and staff align with the interests of all our students and staff. We need to secure funding for the university, strengthen cooperation among faculties, increase opportunities for students to engage and work within the larger society on practical problems and real-life challenges. I invite you to support me in the upcoming rector elections at the University of Iceland. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all members of our academic community. The author is a Rector candidate and Dean of the School of Education. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Rektorskjör við Háskóla Íslands Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir Mest lesið Kirsuberjatínsla félagsmálaráðherra Gunnar Úlfarsson Skoðun Er systir þín skyld þér, fáum við rétt borgað og af hverju megum við ekki vita? Þórður Snær Júlíusson Skoðun Kjöt og krabbamein Hulda María Einarsdóttir,Jórunn Atladóttir,Sigurdís Haraldsdóttir Skoðun Silja Bára rektor Háskóla Íslands Stefán Hrafn Jónsson Skoðun Hagsmunir háskólanema í rektorskjöri Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir Skoðun Stóra klúður Íslands í raforkumálum Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir Skoðun Gervigreind í skólastarfi – hvað getum við lært af Eistlandi? Þorsteinn Siglaugsson Skoðun Tökum höndum saman og kveðum niður þennan mannskæða faraldur! Arnrún María Magnúsdóttir Skoðun Forystukrísa Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Hafnarfirði á sér margar kostulegar birtingarmyndir! Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson Skoðun Við kjósum Silju Báru í dag! Agla Elín Davíðsdóttir,Ari Borg Helgason,Hekla Sól Hafsteinsdóttir,Margrét Bo Wan Waage Reynisdóttir,Nína Kristín Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnheiður Dóra H. Jónsdóttir Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Lýðræði, gagnsæi og valddreifing í Sósíalistaflokknum Karl Héðinn Kristjánsson skrifar Skoðun Tökum höndum saman og kveðum niður þennan mannskæða faraldur! Arnrún María Magnúsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Forystukrísa Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Hafnarfirði á sér margar kostulegar birtingarmyndir! Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson skrifar Skoðun Utanríkis- og varnarmál Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson skrifar Skoðun Samkeppni er lykillinn að arðsemi fyrirtækja Friðrik Ingi Friðriksson skrifar Skoðun Bréf til síungra sósíalista um land allt Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hamas; orsök eða afleiðing? Hlédís Sveinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Foreldrar – tæmið öskubakkana og setjið börnin í bílstóla Guðný Helga Herbertsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Samvinnufélög og brothættar byggðir – leið til sjálfbærrar þróunar Ásdís Helga Bjarnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Að rjúfa vopnahlé – 300 myrt á svipstundu Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir,Yousef Tamimi skrifar Skoðun A Strong International University Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Þrjú lykilskref í átt að betri háskóla. Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir mun stíga þau Styrmir Hallsson skrifar Skoðun Kirsuberjatínsla félagsmálaráðherra Gunnar Úlfarsson skrifar Skoðun Hreint vatn frá Heiðmörk til framtíðar Sólrún Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvers vegna skipta raddir ungmenna af erlendum uppruna máli? Guðrún Elsa Tryggvadóttir skrifar Skoðun Skrautfjöðurin jafnlaunavottun Diljá Mist Einarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fjármál og akademískt frelsi Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Silja Bára rektor Háskóla Íslands Stefán Hrafn Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Við kjósum Silju Báru í dag! Agla Elín Davíðsdóttir,Ari Borg Helgason,Hekla Sól Hafsteinsdóttir,Margrét Bo Wan Waage Reynisdóttir,Nína Kristín Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnheiður Dóra H. Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Er systir þín skyld þér, fáum við rétt borgað og af hverju megum við ekki vita? Þórður Snær Júlíusson skrifar Skoðun Gervigreind í skólastarfi – hvað getum við lært af Eistlandi? Þorsteinn Siglaugsson skrifar Skoðun Smánin tilheyrir geranda en of oft klínt á þolanda Matthildur Björnsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Jarðhiti jafnar leikinn Jóhann Páll Jóhannsson skrifar Skoðun Skipbrot Reykjavíkurborgar Davíð J. Arngrímsson skrifar Skoðun Stóra klúður Íslands í raforkumálum Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvað geta ungmenni gert fyrir jörðina? Matthildur Þóra Skúladóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Valgeirsson skrifar Skoðun Fjarkönnun og sjálfstæði þjóðar Karl Arnar Arnarson skrifar Skoðun Virðisaukaskattur og sveitarfélög – ekki er allt sem sýnist Helgi Már Jósepsson,Tina Paic skrifar Skoðun Græðgin, vísindin og spilakassarnir Kristján Jónasson,Alma Hafsteinsdóttir,Steinn Guðmundsson,Tryggvi Rúnar Brynjarsson skrifar Skoðun Kjöt og krabbamein Hulda María Einarsdóttir,Jórunn Atladóttir,Sigurdís Haraldsdóttir skrifar Sjá meira
The University of Iceland is a vibrant democratic academic community and today, and tomorrow, students and faculty elect a new rector. The online election will take place on the platform Ugla on March 18th and 19th. Over the past seven years, I have served as the Dean of the School of Education, and I am determined to use my extensive experience of working with stakeholders within and outside the university to lead our university in the coming years. Therefore, I am running for the office of rector of the University of Iceland. As a rector I will be dedicated to implementing effective policies to support our international staff and students, their academic and professional success, as well as their overall well-being. The University of Iceland has transformed during the last two decades and is now a leading international academic community. Nearly 2.400 international students from 113 countries and 360 academic staff and doctoral students from all around the world study and work at the university. My Emphasis on Support Services for International Students As the dean of the School of Education I have a wide experience of organizing international education. Our school has offered the International Studies in Education at undergraduate and graduate level which has gained wide recognition. Most recently we initiated a new joint diploma program in partnership with the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Icelandic as a Second Language, specifically for international students who aim to work and study within the field of education and teaching. We have also arranged workshops for international students to strengthen academic writing and helped them navigate our curriculum and course platforms. Improving International Staff Services As a rector I will focus on strengthening the specific administrative unit within the International Staff Services, which was set up to provide strategic services for international staff members. The team aimsto provide international staff members with support before, during and after arrival in Iceland. It is vital to assist people from outside of the European Union and the European Economic Area to handle work permits and immigration processes, including obtaining visa, which can be challenging. It is also crucial to support new international academic staff in navigating the complex work environment of the university. It is vital to provide sufficient funding to secure such support and services. Academic and Language Support: Language barriers and different educational backgrounds pose challenges. There is a clear call from international students and staff for accessible language courses, tutoring, and academic counselling to facilitate their adaption to new academic environments and success in their studies and work. As a rector I will strive to answer these calls. One way could be to, for example, set up strategic mentorship systems, for international staff members and graduate students. Mental Health and Well-being: Balancing study and life issues is often stressful. I aim to strengthen the university's counseling services, support groups, and wellness programs. We also need to make sure that such support is always available in English to make it better accessible to international students and staff. Career Opportunities: To support professional development, it is important to offer career counselling, job placement services, and workshops, for example on CV writing and interview skills. Promoting such services will help international students and staff navigate the Icelandic labour market and secure employment opportunities. We Need to do Better in an Inclusive and Diverse University As a rector I will strive to give international students and staff members the opportunities they need to connect, contribute, and collaborate within the academic community. We have taken various steps in the past few years to make it easier for international staff and students to work at the university. But it is clear that we can do better. During my campaign I have met with many of you and heard a clear need for improvements when it comes to our international profile and services to international students and staff. It is quite clear that language barriers and a lack of accessible information is still, for many of you, complicating your engagement within the university environment. Of course, the main interests of international students and staff align with the interests of all our students and staff. We need to secure funding for the university, strengthen cooperation among faculties, increase opportunities for students to engage and work within the larger society on practical problems and real-life challenges. I invite you to support me in the upcoming rector elections at the University of Iceland. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all members of our academic community. The author is a Rector candidate and Dean of the School of Education.
Er systir þín skyld þér, fáum við rétt borgað og af hverju megum við ekki vita? Þórður Snær Júlíusson Skoðun
Forystukrísa Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Hafnarfirði á sér margar kostulegar birtingarmyndir! Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson Skoðun
Við kjósum Silju Báru í dag! Agla Elín Davíðsdóttir,Ari Borg Helgason,Hekla Sól Hafsteinsdóttir,Margrét Bo Wan Waage Reynisdóttir,Nína Kristín Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnheiður Dóra H. Jónsdóttir Skoðun
Skoðun Tökum höndum saman og kveðum niður þennan mannskæða faraldur! Arnrún María Magnúsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Forystukrísa Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Hafnarfirði á sér margar kostulegar birtingarmyndir! Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson skrifar
Skoðun Foreldrar – tæmið öskubakkana og setjið börnin í bílstóla Guðný Helga Herbertsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Samvinnufélög og brothættar byggðir – leið til sjálfbærrar þróunar Ásdís Helga Bjarnadóttir skrifar
Skoðun Að rjúfa vopnahlé – 300 myrt á svipstundu Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir,Yousef Tamimi skrifar
Skoðun Þrjú lykilskref í átt að betri háskóla. Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir mun stíga þau Styrmir Hallsson skrifar
Skoðun Hvers vegna skipta raddir ungmenna af erlendum uppruna máli? Guðrún Elsa Tryggvadóttir skrifar
Skoðun Við kjósum Silju Báru í dag! Agla Elín Davíðsdóttir,Ari Borg Helgason,Hekla Sól Hafsteinsdóttir,Margrét Bo Wan Waage Reynisdóttir,Nína Kristín Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnheiður Dóra H. Jónsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Er systir þín skyld þér, fáum við rétt borgað og af hverju megum við ekki vita? Þórður Snær Júlíusson skrifar
Skoðun Gervigreind í skólastarfi – hvað getum við lært af Eistlandi? Þorsteinn Siglaugsson skrifar
Skoðun Hvað geta ungmenni gert fyrir jörðina? Matthildur Þóra Skúladóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Valgeirsson skrifar
Skoðun Virðisaukaskattur og sveitarfélög – ekki er allt sem sýnist Helgi Már Jósepsson,Tina Paic skrifar
Skoðun Græðgin, vísindin og spilakassarnir Kristján Jónasson,Alma Hafsteinsdóttir,Steinn Guðmundsson,Tryggvi Rúnar Brynjarsson skrifar
Er systir þín skyld þér, fáum við rétt borgað og af hverju megum við ekki vita? Þórður Snær Júlíusson Skoðun
Forystukrísa Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Hafnarfirði á sér margar kostulegar birtingarmyndir! Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson Skoðun
Við kjósum Silju Báru í dag! Agla Elín Davíðsdóttir,Ari Borg Helgason,Hekla Sól Hafsteinsdóttir,Margrét Bo Wan Waage Reynisdóttir,Nína Kristín Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnheiður Dóra H. Jónsdóttir Skoðun