Sadiq Khan, borgarstjóri, segir ástandið alvarlegt en um er að ræða minnst tíu elda, bæði í húsum og í sinu og öðrum gróðri.
Samkvæmt Sky News eru nokkur hús sögð hafa skemmst í einum bæ nærri Lundúnum.
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) July 19, 2022
Don't BBQ on grass or balconies
Don't leave broken bottles or glass on the grass (it can start fires)
Dispose of cigarettes safely
Report a fire as soon as you see one
Don't take risks. Stay safe in the heat.
BBC segir minnst 250 slökkviliðsmenn berjast við eldana og hvetur slökkviliðið fólk til að fara varlega og láta vita af eldum um leið og fólk verður þeirra vart.
Hitamet Bretlands var slegið í morgun þegar hitinn mældist 40,2 gráður en síðar í dag er spáð um og yfir 40 stiga hita. Hitamet hafa sömuleiðis verið slegin annars staðar í Evrópu og geisa skógareldar víða. Veðurfræðingur telur ljóst að met muni halda áfram að falla hratt.
"These spread very fast and the front of the fire will be very large" says Craig Hope, wildfire tactical adviser for the National Fire Chiefs, as he reacts to the latest pictures of the fires in Wennington, Greater London.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 19, 2022
Sky 501 and YouTube
'They told us to just grab what we can.'
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 19, 2022
Lynn Sabberton, a resident in Wennington, Greater London, describes the moment she was told to flee her home as a huge fire spreads through the village.
Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
"These are really horrific images we're seeing, this is heartbreaking" says Craig Hope, firefighter and wildfire tactical adviser for the National Fire Chiefs - adding "this is as dangerous as it gets".
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 19, 2022
Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
'Any small spark has the potential to cause a significant fire.'
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 19, 2022
Jonathan Smith, Assistant Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade, asks people not to use portable barbeques in public parks, and to think carefully about where they discard cigarettes.