Áhyggjufullir vinir Braakensiek hringdu á lögreglu eftir að ekkert hafði heyrst frá fyrirsætunni í nokkurn tíma. Ekki er talið að andlát hennar hafi borið að með saknæmum hætti, að því er fram kemur í frétt bresku fréttastofunnar Sky News.
Braakensiek var afkastamikil fyrirsæta og sat m.a. fyrir á forsíðum tímarita í Ástralíu, Bandaríkjunum og Bretlandi. Þá reyndi hún einnig fyrir sér sem leikkona og fór með hlutverk í gamanþáttum og sápuóperum í áströlsku sjónvarpi.
Hennar er einkum minnst fyrir að vera sendiherra samtakanna RUOK Day sem beita sér fyrir geðheilbrigði. Braakensiek ræddi sjálf opinskátt glímu sína við andleg veikindi en síðast í desember birti hún færslu þess efnis á Instagram-reikningi sínum.
The answer is blowing in the wind...... Hanging in there by the hair on my chiny chin chin.... Sheesh it’s been a challenging year for so many of us, am I right?!?! My biggest challenge was not having my own home (for a year now)!!!!?!! As you know I LVE to cook organic meat free @annalisewithlovelunch creations and I can not wait to get back into my own kitchen again in just a few weeks!!! I am uber grateful for all the legends who have taken me under their wings this past year, and into their hearts and homes @gina_b21 and family especially. The rest you know who you are. I love you. Beyond. Including my bestie in heaven. A day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about you I don’t know what I’d do without you all And I promise as soon as I move into my new abode I’ll be back to cooking, sharing my new jewellery designs and being a general all round mega Vikingess! In the meantime for all of you who have asked....as of next Wednesday I will be able to fulfill my signature jewellery design orders again!!!!!! #yay!!!! Just in time for Christmas DM me re new designs not yet shown or up on my site and check out my jewellery gallery at link in bio and use my F&F code “mylovelies” for 25% discount .... sharing the love And love the team who shot this campaign and can’t wait to shoot my new collection soon! my talented sister @beccafitzgerald_photo Cruelty free @ereperezcosmetics by the magical @the_travelling_artist Hair: @originalmineral natural colour styled by the insanely fab @yadgiahair Brows by the best: @parlourb Vegan facial by the amazing @dermaglow_medi_spa and styled by the most divine and talented @stephmalizisstylist for @cmstylists . .magical day your way my lovelies #annalisebraakensiek #jewellery #designer #jewelry #model #vegetarian #cook #jewellerydesigner #boholuxe #bohostyle #ecofriendly #handmade #madewithlove #mydesigns #lovelunch #2018 #bringon2019 #wegotthis #love #strength #supportView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Annalise Braakensiek (@annalisewithlove) on Dec 4, 2018 at 10:38am PST