„Með þessu viljum við tryggja skipulag og stjórnun á komu flóttamanna til lands okkar,“ hefur AFP fréttaveitan eftir ráðherranum. „Við erum ekki að loka landamærunum.“
Bæði Austurríki og Slóveníu koma að Schengen samstarfinu og hafa hingað til verið með helstu leiðum flóttamanna inn í Vestur-Evrópu. MIkl-Leitner varð fyrir mikilli gagnrýni í síðustu viku, eftir að hún að sagði að nú væri tími til að ESB byggði aftur Evrópuvirkið svokallaða, sem Evrópa var kölluð í Seinni heimstyrjöldinni.
Aðstæður flóttamanna í Evrópu er víða ekki góðar, en meðfylgjandi myndband var tekið á landamærum Slóveníu og Króatíu á dögunum. Alls hafa meira en 700 þúsund flóttamenn komið til Evrópu yfir Miðjarðarhafið á árinu og ekkert útlit er fyrir að þeim fari fækkandi.
EMERGENCY CALL FOR HELP: I hope this will be the only video I need to post (and film without people's consent) in order TO INFORM about the percentage of CHILDREN on a runaway to EUROPE!!!!! On purpose the video is NOT EDITED but a single sequence-shot of RIGONCE CAMP, tranzit ZONE between Croatian border and Slovenian REGISTRATION CENTER (that has just too few people, they need 15 times more). In this zone that is divided in 4 parts/points people spend by my calculation from 7-10 hours UNDER OPEN SKY, mostly ON FEET except when they are IN this camp and can sit ON THE GROUND. 1. walking path from the train station at the Slo/Cro border to the border of this Rigonce camp, secured by TANKS of Slovenian Army, 2. Rigonce camp, 3. Walking path from Rigonce camp to the open field towards 4. the registration center in Brežice/Dobova. This video was shot on early Sunday morning of Oct 25th 2015 when the police slowly started to move people from Rigonce camp and sending them to walk towards registration center, while the new wave of people are already standing in line for hours behind the fence and fog guarded by Military and Tanks that you can see at the end. Distribute, share, use, abuse this VIDEO as much as you can and want and make SLOVENIAN OFFICIALS PERMIT these people and children ACCESS to WARM MEAL and BLANKETS on open air IF THEY CANNOT OFFER THEM ANYTHING ELSE or MORE like warm and covered places. In the night it was 3 degrees above zero and very humid because the camp is BY THE RIVER and there are NO MEDICS ON SITE since yesterday (Sunday). This is MY EMERGENCY CALL FOR HELP TO ALL HUMANITARIAN AND CHILDREN ORGANIZATIONS IN EUROPE because I've been there and I tell you the line between those ALIVE little hidden and small beings (many babies were wrapped in all blankets they had and you cant see them in the video, but mothers were often showing them to me like presents) and children with HYPOTHERMIA or DEAD is dangerously THIN and ON THE WAY IF THIS TRANZIT ZONE DOES NOT REORGANIZE OR DISSAPEAR!!!! Thank you!
Posted by Sabina Đogić on Monday, October 26, 2015