Khabib vill augljóslega berjast aftur við Conor enda ljóst að annar bardagi þeirra myndi gefa ansi vel í aðra hönd. Hann sagði Conor hafa tapað heiðri sínum er þeir börðust og spurði hvort hann væri nú orðinn stríðsmaður á Twitter?
@TheNotoriousMMA money comes and goes, the honor that you lost that evening will never return, live with it.
Finish career in mma, but start career on twitter? #twitterWarrior
— khabib nurmagomedov (@TeamKhabib) March 31, 2019
Don’t be scared of the rematch you little scurrying rat.
You will do what you are told like you always do.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) April 3, 2019

Wow another dagestani caught abusing steroids.
That’s 2 out of 3 in this picture busted for steroid abuse, with the most recent being busted 3 times in a row and now hit with a lifetime ban.
Excellent job @JeffNovitzkyUFC.
The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) April 3, 2019
Rapist, you are Rapist.
You are a hypocrite who is not responsible for your actions. Justice will find you.
We will
— khabib nurmagomedov (@TeamKhabib) April 3, 2019
Conor sagði þó skömmu síðar að nýjustu upplýsingar hermdu að það væri geit undir handklæðinu. Hann tók það líka út.
Rússinn sagði þá að Conor væri í hættu eftir að hafa móðgað heilan trúarflokk. Hótun.
@TheNotoriousMMA If you think that insulting entire religion you be safe, you are mistaken.
— khabib nurmagomedov (@TeamKhabib) April 3, 2019
I want to move forward, with my fans of all faiths and all backgrounds.
All faiths challenge us to be our best selves.
It is one world and one for all
Now see you in the Octagon.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) April 4, 2019