
Bein útsending: Ráðstefna um málefni flóttamanna

Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason skrifar
Flóttamenn á báti í Miðjarðarhafinu undan ströndum Líbíu.
Flóttamenn á báti í Miðjarðarhafinu undan ströndum Líbíu. Vísir/Getty
Mannréttindastofnun Háskóla Íslands og Nordic Migration Institute standa fyrir Nordic Asylum Law Seminar dagana 29. til 30. maí. Ráðstefnunni er streymt beint á vef háskólans og má nálgast streymið hér að neðan.

Ráðstefnan fer öll fram á ensku og er fjöldi fræðimanna mættur til lands eins og sjá má á dagskránni. Ágrip þeirra sem fram koma má nálgast hér. Umsóknir um að halda erindi á ráðstefnunni voru fjölmargar en valið var úr þeim sem bárust. Þá var biðlisti eftir því að komast á ráðstefnuna.

Bein útsending er að neðan. ATH: Ef útsendingin birtist ekki, smellið á bláa textann neðst í hægra horninu.

Ráðstefnan hefst upp úr klukkan 9:30 þegar Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, formaður skipulagsnefndar, og Jón Atli Benediktsson, rektor Háskóla Íslands, bjóða gesti velkomna. Í framhaldinu tekur Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen við Raoul Wallenberg stofnunina til máls með erindi sitt:

„The ugly ducklings: Nordic deterrence policies and negative nation branding“

Dagskránni í dag lýkur klukkan 16:45. Á morgun verður svo unnið í hópum.

Um ráðstefnuna:

A growing number of refugees and asylum seekers have fled to Europe to escape instability and persecution in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Eritrea and Somalia, and migration and asylum have become critical and hotly debated issues. Concerns related to security, territorial sovereignty and border control affect the response to the situation and there are alarming trends in the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, as well as of irregular migrants in all parts of Europe. One aspect of this is the criminalisation of asylum seekers and refugees. However, fleeing persecution in an irregular manner is not a criminal act and irregular migrants also enjoy rights under international law, which need to be respected.

The overall theme of the 2017 Asylum Law Seminar is “Migration management and human rights – Refugee protection in crisis”.  The chosen theme is to be interpreted broadly, but focus will be given to the situation in Europe and especially the Nordic countries.

The seminar will include speakers and participants from the Nordic countries as well as from other parts of the world; scholars, policy makers, politicians, judges, NGO representatives, state officials and other stakeholders. While the main focus of the seminar is on asylum law, we also seek papers from interdisciplinary perspectives from different fields such as migration studies, anthropology, sociology, political science and social work. The seminar consists of plenary sessions with renowned keynote speakers and workshops where papers submitted by scholars and other participants will be presented and discussed.

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