Vinsælustu förðunarbloggararnir á Instagram Ritstjórn skrifar 13. desember 2016 19:45 James Charles er fyrsta karlkynsandlit Cover Girl, þökk sé Instagram. Mynd/Instagram Bandaríska vefsíðan Fashionista hefur tekið saman lista yfir vinsælustu förðunarbloggarana á Instagram á þessu ári. Förðunarblogg eru afar vinsæl á Snapchat og sérstaklega Instagram og eru fjölmargir förðunarfræðingar sem hafa komið sér í sviðsljósið allt þökk sé Instagram. Þeir sem hófu feril sinn fyrir utan Instagram, eins og Kyliw Jenner og Jen Atkins, áður en þau masteruðu samfélagsmiðilinn verða ekki talin með á þessum lista. Aðeins er horft á þá einstaklinga sem hafa skapað sér tækifæri út á Instagram eitt og sér. Sumir eru með Youtube rásir til hliðar. Einnig var horft til hversu margir sjá myndböndin og myndirnar sem deilt eru og hversu margir googla hvern og einn förðunarbloggara. Myndirnar hér fyrir neðan eru í réttri röð yfir vinsældir. A photo posted by Chrisspy (@chrisspy) on Dec 4, 2016 at 3:14pm PST Curls come thruuuuu Earrings & Necklace @queenpee A photo posted by Amra Olević | Artist (@amrezy) on Dec 9, 2016 at 6:07pm PST Casual glam? A photo posted by Marianna Hewitt (@marianna_hewitt) on Dec 5, 2016 at 5:16pm PST ..lil throwback A photo posted by Naomi Giannopoulos (@vegas_nay) on Nov 3, 2016 at 7:52pm PDT That aqua net highlight on my hair thooo @toofaced 'Sweet peach' palette @colourpopcosmetics 'Instigator' Ultra Matte @maccosmetics 'Rainbow Interlude' gloss (Mariah Carey X Mac) @lillylashes style 'Twin lash' @lauragellerbeauty 'Gilded honey' highlight #iluvsarahii #toofaced #sweetpeach #colourpop #maccosmetics #lillylashes #gildedhoney #laurageller #peachy A photo posted by iluvsarahii (@iluvsarahii) on Dec 2, 2016 at 1:33pm PST Haven't done pink in a minute @flutterlashesinc islay lashes @smashboxcosmetics Ablaze and Smokey #Covershot palette @coverfx liquid foundation @maybelline Big Shot mascara @tartecosmetics #tarteistxshayla Palette @artistcouture Labronze and Slaynali Highlight @hudabeauty Gossip Girl liquid lipstick A photo posted by SHAYLA (@makeupshayla) on Dec 6, 2016 at 9:00pm PST Has Sam ever bought a clothing item that isn't grey and also a sweater? Has she ever done an eye look that doesn't include winged eyeliner? More at 7. wearing @maccosmetics Liptensity lipstick in Lobster A photo posted by SAMANTHA R A V N D A H L (@ssssamanthaa) on Dec 9, 2016 at 3:11pm PST So many moments last night w/ @mariahcarey Vlog coming up! Snap: MaryamNYC before it poofs! #MACxMariahCarey @maccosmetics @gettyimages Theo Wargo A photo posted by Maryam Maquillage | NYC (@maryamnyc) on Dec 4, 2016 at 12:07pm PST The best thing you could do is MASTER the chaos in you. A photo posted by Hrush Achemyan (@styledbyhrush) on Dec 5, 2016 at 2:39am PST DUSTY ROSE who else has been loving nudes lately? haha! ____ @kyliecosmetics so cute lip gloss @benefitcosmetics roller lash mascara @morphebrushes 35K (use code JAMES) @anastasiabeverlyhills that glow glow kit ____ @laurasboutique hat, sweatshirt, glasses (code JAMESCHARLES) A photo posted by James Charles (@jamescharles) on Nov 30, 2016 at 5:03pm PST Mest lesið Nicole Kidman tilnefnd til Emmy verðlauna Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour Hubert de Givenchy deyr 91 árs að aldri Glamour Gamli góði rykfrakkinn Glamour Cheryl Cole staðfestir óléttuna Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Nicole Kidman á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Chanel byggði geimfar fyrir tískusýningu sína Glamour Þeir áttu rauða dregilinn Glamour Breyttu tískupallinum i dansgólf Glamour
Bandaríska vefsíðan Fashionista hefur tekið saman lista yfir vinsælustu förðunarbloggarana á Instagram á þessu ári. Förðunarblogg eru afar vinsæl á Snapchat og sérstaklega Instagram og eru fjölmargir förðunarfræðingar sem hafa komið sér í sviðsljósið allt þökk sé Instagram. Þeir sem hófu feril sinn fyrir utan Instagram, eins og Kyliw Jenner og Jen Atkins, áður en þau masteruðu samfélagsmiðilinn verða ekki talin með á þessum lista. Aðeins er horft á þá einstaklinga sem hafa skapað sér tækifæri út á Instagram eitt og sér. Sumir eru með Youtube rásir til hliðar. Einnig var horft til hversu margir sjá myndböndin og myndirnar sem deilt eru og hversu margir googla hvern og einn förðunarbloggara. Myndirnar hér fyrir neðan eru í réttri röð yfir vinsældir. A photo posted by Chrisspy (@chrisspy) on Dec 4, 2016 at 3:14pm PST Curls come thruuuuu Earrings & Necklace @queenpee A photo posted by Amra Olević | Artist (@amrezy) on Dec 9, 2016 at 6:07pm PST Casual glam? A photo posted by Marianna Hewitt (@marianna_hewitt) on Dec 5, 2016 at 5:16pm PST ..lil throwback A photo posted by Naomi Giannopoulos (@vegas_nay) on Nov 3, 2016 at 7:52pm PDT That aqua net highlight on my hair thooo @toofaced 'Sweet peach' palette @colourpopcosmetics 'Instigator' Ultra Matte @maccosmetics 'Rainbow Interlude' gloss (Mariah Carey X Mac) @lillylashes style 'Twin lash' @lauragellerbeauty 'Gilded honey' highlight #iluvsarahii #toofaced #sweetpeach #colourpop #maccosmetics #lillylashes #gildedhoney #laurageller #peachy A photo posted by iluvsarahii (@iluvsarahii) on Dec 2, 2016 at 1:33pm PST Haven't done pink in a minute @flutterlashesinc islay lashes @smashboxcosmetics Ablaze and Smokey #Covershot palette @coverfx liquid foundation @maybelline Big Shot mascara @tartecosmetics #tarteistxshayla Palette @artistcouture Labronze and Slaynali Highlight @hudabeauty Gossip Girl liquid lipstick A photo posted by SHAYLA (@makeupshayla) on Dec 6, 2016 at 9:00pm PST Has Sam ever bought a clothing item that isn't grey and also a sweater? Has she ever done an eye look that doesn't include winged eyeliner? More at 7. wearing @maccosmetics Liptensity lipstick in Lobster A photo posted by SAMANTHA R A V N D A H L (@ssssamanthaa) on Dec 9, 2016 at 3:11pm PST So many moments last night w/ @mariahcarey Vlog coming up! Snap: MaryamNYC before it poofs! #MACxMariahCarey @maccosmetics @gettyimages Theo Wargo A photo posted by Maryam Maquillage | NYC (@maryamnyc) on Dec 4, 2016 at 12:07pm PST The best thing you could do is MASTER the chaos in you. A photo posted by Hrush Achemyan (@styledbyhrush) on Dec 5, 2016 at 2:39am PST DUSTY ROSE who else has been loving nudes lately? haha! ____ @kyliecosmetics so cute lip gloss @benefitcosmetics roller lash mascara @morphebrushes 35K (use code JAMES) @anastasiabeverlyhills that glow glow kit ____ @laurasboutique hat, sweatshirt, glasses (code JAMESCHARLES) A photo posted by James Charles (@jamescharles) on Nov 30, 2016 at 5:03pm PST
Mest lesið Nicole Kidman tilnefnd til Emmy verðlauna Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour Hubert de Givenchy deyr 91 árs að aldri Glamour Gamli góði rykfrakkinn Glamour Cheryl Cole staðfestir óléttuna Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Nicole Kidman á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Chanel byggði geimfar fyrir tískusýningu sína Glamour Þeir áttu rauða dregilinn Glamour Breyttu tískupallinum i dansgólf Glamour