Rolling Stone happy with Airwaves 25. október 2006 15:34 David Fricke, one of Rolling Stone's editors attended the Iceland Airwaves music festival for the second time last weekend and gives the festival and artist good reviews in his article now online: "Rolling Stone Goes native at Airwaves Music Fest". Fricke is particularly impressed by the Icelandic artists he saw at the festival and applauds the performances of Mugison, Reykjavik!, Skakkamanage, Dikta, Ghostigital and Jakobínarína. He has been very influential in Jakobínarína's success story over the last year but after seeing the play at the tiny upstairs room of Grand Rokk last year and praising their performance in a Rolling Stone article „Iceland Festival Rocks" the youngster's rise to success became stupendous. Fricke thoroughly checked out both the bigger and smaller venues of the festival, besides writing about Mugison and Jakobínarína at the Art Museum, the largest venue of the festival, he speaks highly of the Miri show at Grand Rokk, the smallest venue, where the band played at 19:30 on Thursday night. He finishes his article on Jóhann Jóhannson's concert at the Fríkirkjan Church which he says were one of the highlights of the festival. Read David Fricke's article here: News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent
David Fricke, one of Rolling Stone's editors attended the Iceland Airwaves music festival for the second time last weekend and gives the festival and artist good reviews in his article now online: "Rolling Stone Goes native at Airwaves Music Fest". Fricke is particularly impressed by the Icelandic artists he saw at the festival and applauds the performances of Mugison, Reykjavik!, Skakkamanage, Dikta, Ghostigital and Jakobínarína. He has been very influential in Jakobínarína's success story over the last year but after seeing the play at the tiny upstairs room of Grand Rokk last year and praising their performance in a Rolling Stone article „Iceland Festival Rocks" the youngster's rise to success became stupendous. Fricke thoroughly checked out both the bigger and smaller venues of the festival, besides writing about Mugison and Jakobínarína at the Art Museum, the largest venue of the festival, he speaks highly of the Miri show at Grand Rokk, the smallest venue, where the band played at 19:30 on Thursday night. He finishes his article on Jóhann Jóhannson's concert at the Fríkirkjan Church which he says were one of the highlights of the festival. Read David Fricke's article here:
News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent