Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir henti í eina góða speglasjálfu baksviðs í Hörpu en hún kom fram á afmælistónleikum Gunna Þórðar sem er 75 ára.
Backstage photo from last nights concert #gunniþórðar75 #singerView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Yohanna - Jóhanna Guðrún (@yohannamusic) on Mar 8, 2020 at 1:53am PST
1st place baby! I won the Arnold Strongman Classic 2020! 3 years straight!!! Words can’t describe how happy and grateful I am for the support around me This years competition was so crazy. Just days before the event, we received news that the whole festival was going to be cancelled because of the Corona Virus and then we were updated with changes every hour leading up to the show. Apart from this roller coaster of events that was out of our control, the competition continued and ran perfectly thanks to @drjantodd , and @roguefitness @billhenniger @caityhenniger and the amazing team working behind the scenes that made sure everything ran so smoothly. I was very confident this year that I was going to do well, because I knew that I had put in the work, but I was pushed so hard by the other amazing athletes, especially @kieliszkowskimateusz all the way through to the last event. I am so grateful for the support team I have had working with me for this competition. My coach @australianstrengthcoach making sure my training is on point and travelling around the world for me to make sure he was here so everything ran smoothly My nutrition coach @stanefferding and @theverticaldiet for helping fuel my body to perform at the highest level My amazing wife @kelc33 for looking after me my best friend @andrireyr My dad @bjornthorr and mom @ragnheidurmj and the rest of my amazing team!! Lastly I would like to thank my sponsors for having my back always!! @reignbodyfuel @roguefitness @sbdapparel @revive_md @theverticaldiet @kingkongapparelView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) on Mar 8, 2020 at 8:40am PDT
Big thanks to team Reign for cheering me on and supporting me through this comp! @reignbodyfuel @flores.kellen @kelc33 @natalieevamarie @jonathan_coyle @jasonpostonpro @martinslicis @jujimufuView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) on Mar 8, 2020 at 2:24pm PDT
I’m from Iceland, the world’s most gender-equal country. We elected the first female president. Nearly half of our MPs and company directors are women. Four in five women have jobs. Iceland has laws that don’t just require companies and government agencies pay men and women equally, they require them to PROVE it. - So for a long time, the idea that I might be treated differently because I’m female had simply never occurred to me, because of where I grew up. EQUAL is the norm. (Please read that sentance again & realize how important it is). I am starting to realize just how LUCKY I am. It isn’t the norm. Not every female was raised like I was, in a culture like I lived in. Not every female has a DOTTIR’s unwavering sense of self worth & a belief in her own capabilities. Too many women have an identity shaped by societies that systematically undervalue them. - Today is INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY We don’t need this day to make women stronger. We already ARE, just as we come. We just need to change the way the world percieves us. - An EQUAL world is an ENABLED world. Here’s is to all the men & all the women celebrating that because ya know what: TOGETHER IS BETTER, for every single one of us. xxxView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir (@katrintanja) on Mar 8, 2020 at 10:00am PDT
Happy woman’s day all of you beautiful ladies I’m so lucky to celebrate our day with this amazing company and my dear friends for so many years. Wish you all the best allot of love, happiness, health and fruitful futureView this post on Instagram
A post shared by IceQueen Official ~ Ásdís Rán (@asdisran) on Mar 8, 2020 at 3:33am PDT
Casual weekendView this post on Instagram
A post shared by IceQueen Official ~ Ásdís Rán (@asdisran) on Mar 8, 2020 at 7:46am PDT
Purple haze performing tonightView this post on Instagram
A post shared by SVALA (@svalakali) on Mar 7, 2020 at 12:30pm PST
My endless LoveView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Hanna Rún Bazev Óladóttir (@hannabazev) on Mar 6, 2020 at 5:46am PST
Systikinin Birgitta Líf og Björn Boði voru að sjálfsögðu á staðnum ásamt ClubDub drengjunum, Herra Hnetusmjör, Aroni Mola og Sunnevu Einarsdóttur.
Champagne hourView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Birgitta Líf Björnsdóttir (@birgittalif) on Mar 8, 2020 at 4:52am PDT
Bjössi og Dísa back in the 80s? #worldfit2020 @worldfiticelandView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Birgitta Líf Björnsdóttir (@birgittalif) on Mar 7, 2020 at 6:19am PST
Árshátíð #worldfit2020View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Sunneva Eir Einarsdóttir (@sunnevaeinarss) on Mar 8, 2020 at 7:46am PDT
finally @worldfiticeland #worldfit2020View this post on Instagram
A post shared by hildur sif hauks (@hildursifhauks) on Mar 7, 2020 at 11:32am PST
Takk og takk mamma og pabbi fyrir að passa Sigríði Sól á meðan - @brynstef1View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Jon Jonsson (@jonjonssonmusic) on Mar 8, 2020 at 1:40pm PDT
Ógeðslega hamingjusamur hluti af Bandalaginu #ibvhandbolti #handball #handboltiView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Kári Kristján#46 (@kristjans46) on Mar 7, 2020 at 10:50am PST
Tveir senterar að fá sér aðeins!View this post on Instagram
A post shared by EgillGillz (DJ Muscleboy) (@egillgillz) on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:28pm PST
“Just have fun with it gæs” Eh tímann fyrir löngu fékk Hemmi þá frábæru hugmynd að fá Ragga og sjálfan sig til að koma að gesta með okkur Áms strákunum á balli á Flúðum. Við æfðum og hlógum allan daginn með þeim og þvílíku sögurnar sem við fengum :) Húsið var algjörlega smekkað og sviðið hálfgert frímerki í horninu. Hitinn óbærilegur og fólk dettandi á okkur sökum troðnings.. Allt eins og það á að vera :) Raggi steig á svið þegar leikar stóðu sem hæst og þá skildi ég þetta - Ég hef verið þess heiðurs aðnjótandi að deila sviði með mörgum frontum en enginn hefur haft þetta öryggi, þessa nærveru! Eftir tvö lög var jakkinn fokinn, skyrtuermarnar upprúllaðar og kallinn með salinn að éta úr lófanum á sér, og það merkilegasta fannst mér að þar sem ég stóð með bakið í fólkið að varna því með gítarnum að eh dytti á Ragga steingleymdi ég því að það væri 44 ára aldursmunur á okkur ... Innilegar samúðarkveðjur til fjölskyldu Ragnars og íslensku þjóðarinnar sem getur þakkað fyrir að hafa verið uppi á sama tíma og hann, okkar besti maður.View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Magni Ásgeirsson (@magniasgeirs) on Mar 6, 2020 at 12:48pm PST
Skrambans lukka að hafa byrjað með þessum fyrir þremur árum. Allt frekar ljúft með honum.View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Edda Hermanns (@eddahermanns) on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:56am PST
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Kristín Pétursdóttir (@kristinpeturs) on Mar 8, 2020 at 9:24am PDT
Glad I got to a @foodandfunreykjavik dinner this year, esp with my “little” bro @tidydissolve.View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Eliza Reid (@ejr76) on Mar 8, 2020 at 3:53pm PDT
peachy kvöld með þessum bestuView this post on Instagram
A post shared by ALEXSANDRA BERNHARÐ (@alexsandrabernhard) on Mar 8, 2020 at 6:48am PDT
Happy International women's day #eachforequal #allarsemein #kvennadalshnukur #snjódrífurView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir (@vilborg.arna) on Mar 8, 2020 at 8:55am PDT
Coron is probably the definition of paradise. Moment in the beautiful lagoons around @paolynhouseboatsView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Asa Steinars X Iceland (@asasteinars) on Mar 8, 2020 at 11:33am PDT
Hún birti nokkuð skemmtilegar myndir frá helginni í Svíþjóð.
My 12 points went to Anna Bergendahl :) Kingdom come.View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Selmabjorns (@selmabjorns) on Mar 7, 2020 at 7:21pm PST
Is it too late for love? John Lundvik :) Eurovision 2019View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Selmabjorns (@selmabjorns) on Mar 7, 2020 at 7:20pm PST
Thank you Stockholm!View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Selmabjorns (@selmabjorns) on Mar 7, 2020 at 7:18pm PST
Me and The Mamas. Winners of Melodifestivalen 2020View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Selmabjorns (@selmabjorns) on Mar 7, 2020 at 1:47pm PST