The fifth eruptin in Grímsvötn since 1983 24. maí 2011 13:46 Overlooking the area around Grímsvötn in the summer of 2009. Photo/Vilhelm Gunnarsson Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano, located near the centre of the Vatnajökull ice cap, the largest ice cap in Europe. It is the most active volcano in Iceland. There have been approx. 70 eruptions in the Grímsvötn volcanic system in historical times. This is the fifth eruption since 1983, the last eruptions through glacier occurred in 2004, 1998, 1996, 1983 and 1934. These eruptions occurred in the Grímsvötn depression with the exception of the eruption in 1996 known as Gjálp. The volcano has a caldera complex, the most recent one hosting the Grímsvötn subglacial caldera lake that is sustained by extensive geothermal activity. The volcano is almost fully ice covered and interaction of magma and meltwater from the ice causes phreatomagmatic explosive activity. News in English Mest lesið Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Vill senda þrjátíu þúsund innflytjendur til Guantánamo Erlent „Hvert kemst vatnið? Allt þetta vatn sem er á leiðinni?“ Veður Skýringar konunnar haldi ekki vatni og pósturinn af kynferðislegum toga Innlent Vegfarendur horfi upp og húseigendur fjarlægi grýlukertin Innlent Draga minnisblað til baka eftir mikla óreiðu Erlent
Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano, located near the centre of the Vatnajökull ice cap, the largest ice cap in Europe. It is the most active volcano in Iceland. There have been approx. 70 eruptions in the Grímsvötn volcanic system in historical times. This is the fifth eruption since 1983, the last eruptions through glacier occurred in 2004, 1998, 1996, 1983 and 1934. These eruptions occurred in the Grímsvötn depression with the exception of the eruption in 1996 known as Gjálp. The volcano has a caldera complex, the most recent one hosting the Grímsvötn subglacial caldera lake that is sustained by extensive geothermal activity. The volcano is almost fully ice covered and interaction of magma and meltwater from the ice causes phreatomagmatic explosive activity.
News in English Mest lesið Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Vill senda þrjátíu þúsund innflytjendur til Guantánamo Erlent „Hvert kemst vatnið? Allt þetta vatn sem er á leiðinni?“ Veður Skýringar konunnar haldi ekki vatni og pósturinn af kynferðislegum toga Innlent Vegfarendur horfi upp og húseigendur fjarlægi grýlukertin Innlent Draga minnisblað til baka eftir mikla óreiðu Erlent