Allt sem þú vissir ekki um Love Actually Ritstjórn skrifar 21. desember 2015 19:00 Eitt eftirminnilegasta atriðið. Hjá mörgum koma jólin ekki nema búið sé að horfa á myndina Love Actually að minnsta kosti einu sinni. Aðdáendur myndarinnar vita líka að þetta er ein fallegasta og besta jólamynd sem til er, og því ætti að koma einhverjum á óvart að leikstjóri myndarinnar, Richard Curtis, hafði einungis séð hana einu sinni, eða á frumsýningunni árið 2003. Það breyttist þó (sem betur fer) um daginn þegar hann fór á sérstaka miðnætur sýningu með unnustu sinni, Emmu Freud, en myndin var sú fyrsta sem þau gerðu saman eftir að þau fóru að vera saman. Okkur til mikillar gleði var Emma á Twitter alla myndina og á meðan hún horfði deildi hún með aðdáendum sögum á bakvið atriðin, karakterana ásamt því að telja rúllukragana sem birtast í myndinni. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Love actually is all around.Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.— emma freud (@emmafreud) So weird watching it again... Every scene just a flood of filming memories. And what we had for lunch that day. #priorities— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 href=''>December 13, 2015 It's about to start. Son imploring richard to make a speech. There are 8 people in here. Think they might be a bit confused.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Remember the housekeeper in the hugh grant arriving at Downing Street line up? That was my mum. And still is. #loveactually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Wow bill Nighy is so good in this! Am I the first person to have noticed? #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Twenty minutes in.... Turtle neck count - 8. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 9.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Ant or dec. brilliant. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 You know that bit when Alan rickman's secretary in the office parts her legs in his direction? Still makes me want to puke. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Turtle neck count... 17. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'The chubby girl? I think there's a pretty sizeable arse there. Huge thighs'. Politically correct curtis. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Do i play the 'but he wrote/directed it' card? Yes if I want to be single. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh wow had forgotten - Karl is ridiculously good looking. I mean... Too good looking. Like... Crazy levels of handsome. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh no. Emma thompson tears looming.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh brilliant. Here comes Rowan. Filmed at midnight in selfridges.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 This is so much more than a bag. (It's not so much more than a bag). #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Joni mitchell. Help. Still hurts. Sat on the floor watching her do that scene - 7 takes. Crying every time. Goddess. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Bill nighy and his manager. My favorite love scene in the film. Best scene to film. They were just perfect. Every take. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'Where the fuck is my fucking coat?' Second favorite line. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'Eight is a lot of legs david'. Favorite line. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Girl who does the Mariah carey song was actually singing even though everyone thinks she is miming to Mariah. On Disney channel now.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 I 'designed' the kiss between colin firth and the Portuguese girl. My signature move? His thumb on her lip before they snog. #boom— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 And the bits at the beginning and the end of the film at Heathrow airport with real people.... I edited those. Me. I did them. Best bits.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Meistaraverk Galliano fyrir Margiela Glamour ERDEM X H&M Glamour Faðir Amy Schumer táraðist þegar hann hitti Goldie Hawn Glamour Ævintýralegt brúðkaup tennisstjörnu Glamour Tískan á Secret Solstice: Brosið er besti fylgihluturinn Glamour Steven Meisel myndaði vorherferð Zara Glamour Bradley Cooper og Irina Shayk orðin foreldrar Glamour Tískan á Secret Solstice: Bónusjoggingalli og Ikea haldari Glamour Leikarahópur Love Actually snýr aftur fyrir framhald Glamour Erindagjörðir Kim Kardashian: Frumleg markaðsherferð? Glamour
Hjá mörgum koma jólin ekki nema búið sé að horfa á myndina Love Actually að minnsta kosti einu sinni. Aðdáendur myndarinnar vita líka að þetta er ein fallegasta og besta jólamynd sem til er, og því ætti að koma einhverjum á óvart að leikstjóri myndarinnar, Richard Curtis, hafði einungis séð hana einu sinni, eða á frumsýningunni árið 2003. Það breyttist þó (sem betur fer) um daginn þegar hann fór á sérstaka miðnætur sýningu með unnustu sinni, Emmu Freud, en myndin var sú fyrsta sem þau gerðu saman eftir að þau fóru að vera saman. Okkur til mikillar gleði var Emma á Twitter alla myndina og á meðan hún horfði deildi hún með aðdáendum sögum á bakvið atriðin, karakterana ásamt því að telja rúllukragana sem birtast í myndinni. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Love actually is all around.Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.— emma freud (@emmafreud) So weird watching it again... Every scene just a flood of filming memories. And what we had for lunch that day. #priorities— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 href=''>December 13, 2015 It's about to start. Son imploring richard to make a speech. There are 8 people in here. Think they might be a bit confused.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Remember the housekeeper in the hugh grant arriving at Downing Street line up? That was my mum. And still is. #loveactually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Wow bill Nighy is so good in this! Am I the first person to have noticed? #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Twenty minutes in.... Turtle neck count - 8. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 9.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Ant or dec. brilliant. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 You know that bit when Alan rickman's secretary in the office parts her legs in his direction? Still makes me want to puke. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Turtle neck count... 17. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'The chubby girl? I think there's a pretty sizeable arse there. Huge thighs'. Politically correct curtis. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Do i play the 'but he wrote/directed it' card? Yes if I want to be single. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh wow had forgotten - Karl is ridiculously good looking. I mean... Too good looking. Like... Crazy levels of handsome. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh no. Emma thompson tears looming.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Oh brilliant. Here comes Rowan. Filmed at midnight in selfridges.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 This is so much more than a bag. (It's not so much more than a bag). #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Joni mitchell. Help. Still hurts. Sat on the floor watching her do that scene - 7 takes. Crying every time. Goddess. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Bill nighy and his manager. My favorite love scene in the film. Best scene to film. They were just perfect. Every take. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'Where the fuck is my fucking coat?' Second favorite line. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 'Eight is a lot of legs david'. Favorite line. #LoveActually— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 Girl who does the Mariah carey song was actually singing even though everyone thinks she is miming to Mariah. On Disney channel now.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 I 'designed' the kiss between colin firth and the Portuguese girl. My signature move? His thumb on her lip before they snog. #boom— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015 And the bits at the beginning and the end of the film at Heathrow airport with real people.... I edited those. Me. I did them. Best bits.— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Meistaraverk Galliano fyrir Margiela Glamour ERDEM X H&M Glamour Faðir Amy Schumer táraðist þegar hann hitti Goldie Hawn Glamour Ævintýralegt brúðkaup tennisstjörnu Glamour Tískan á Secret Solstice: Brosið er besti fylgihluturinn Glamour Steven Meisel myndaði vorherferð Zara Glamour Bradley Cooper og Irina Shayk orðin foreldrar Glamour Tískan á Secret Solstice: Bónusjoggingalli og Ikea haldari Glamour Leikarahópur Love Actually snýr aftur fyrir framhald Glamour Erindagjörðir Kim Kardashian: Frumleg markaðsherferð? Glamour