Farðaðu þig fyrir þig sjálfa eins og þú vilt Ritstjórn skrifar 30. júní 2015 13:00 Förðunarbloggarinn Nikkie Glamour Youtube förðunarbloggarinn Nikkie var orðin þreytt á að fólk væri með leiðinda athugasemdir um að hún farðaði sig mikið og að þegar hún væri svona mikið máluð líktist hún sjálfri sér ekki neitt. Hún tók því málin í sínar hendur og bjó til myndband þar sem hún farðaði aðeins hálft andlitið. Með því vildi hún minna á að stelpur og konur hefðu val um að farða sig og ættu að gera það bara fyrir sjálfa sig, en ekki í þeim tilgangi að ganga í augun á karlpeningnum. Hún lagði áherslu á að förðun ætti að vera skemmtileg og ef þú værir í stuði til að mála þig mikið ætti ekkert að stoppa þig. Í kjölfarið fóru stelpur að pósta inn myndum af sér á Instagram undir hashtaginu #ThePowerOfMakeUp. En sjón er sögu ríkari og er myndbandi hennar Nikkie ansi skemmtilegt. Fylgstu með Glamour á Facebook og Instagram. Chavas qué opinan de esto? #thepowerofmakeup es una campaña que está causando controversia, hay quienes defienden el uso del #maquillaje y hay quienes dicen que no debe usarse! Personalmente opino que el buen uso del maquillaje es aceptable!!! #makeup A photo posted by @estiloboga on Jun 29, 2015 at 7:05pm PDT La magia del maquillaje!! D: #halffacemakeup #halffacemakeupchallenge #thepowerofmakeup #imstillpretty A photo posted by Daph ♤ Joha♡ (@daphnejooh) on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:32pm PDT Alright. Here goes. This is my #thepowerofmakeup post. Can't say I was overly thrilled with the idea of being bare faced on social media but the message behind this trend is important. This "movement" is not about how different makeup makes you look, but how different it makes you feel. Makeup to me is a way to express my creativity. It's not a mask, unless I want it to be. At the end of the day, I have control over my look. I can motify it, and I can wash it off. I feel like makeup is a way to celebrate your face. It draws attention. Just this past year I really started getting into it as an art form. When I was going through a hard time I just delved into makeup. I needed to throw my emotions into something that I could look back at. Being one who digs makeup I hear and feel alot of the hate and stigma that surrounds it. Whether it's from a place of insecurity or just hateful people who don't understand it. What I mean by that is those posts you see that say "well at least when I wash my face I still have my eyebrows" or comments like"You dont need all that" and "I like natural girls." The truth is most of us aren't wearing it for others. It makes us feel good and we like it. Simple as that. All this being said, I personally don't have that big a chip on my shoulder about it. The only jab I hate is about the...wait for it....eyebrows. Yes, those tufts of hair above our eyeballs. Of course I fill them in(likeaboss) have been for year. I've always had sparse eyebrows. It's really not a big deal. People just make it a big deal. Im not ashamed of it and nobody else should be. Moral of the story is makeup isn't permanent. It's okay to experiment. Enjoy your skin! Do you booboo. Ps sorry if this got ranty. Im not good at words lol. A photo posted by ⠀Jayleen Parrott➳ (@gypsygatorade) on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:17pm PDT Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Átta trend sem eru ómissandi á útihátíðum Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Eru konur að fresta barneignum of lengi? Glamour Smekklegir gestir hjá Stellu Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour Bambi á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Gönguskór og derhúfa frá Gucci fyrir næsta haust Glamour Kraftgallinn er kominn aftur Glamour Golden Globe 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour H&M byrjar með nýtt vörumerki Glamour
Youtube förðunarbloggarinn Nikkie var orðin þreytt á að fólk væri með leiðinda athugasemdir um að hún farðaði sig mikið og að þegar hún væri svona mikið máluð líktist hún sjálfri sér ekki neitt. Hún tók því málin í sínar hendur og bjó til myndband þar sem hún farðaði aðeins hálft andlitið. Með því vildi hún minna á að stelpur og konur hefðu val um að farða sig og ættu að gera það bara fyrir sjálfa sig, en ekki í þeim tilgangi að ganga í augun á karlpeningnum. Hún lagði áherslu á að förðun ætti að vera skemmtileg og ef þú værir í stuði til að mála þig mikið ætti ekkert að stoppa þig. Í kjölfarið fóru stelpur að pósta inn myndum af sér á Instagram undir hashtaginu #ThePowerOfMakeUp. En sjón er sögu ríkari og er myndbandi hennar Nikkie ansi skemmtilegt. Fylgstu með Glamour á Facebook og Instagram. Chavas qué opinan de esto? #thepowerofmakeup es una campaña que está causando controversia, hay quienes defienden el uso del #maquillaje y hay quienes dicen que no debe usarse! Personalmente opino que el buen uso del maquillaje es aceptable!!! #makeup A photo posted by @estiloboga on Jun 29, 2015 at 7:05pm PDT La magia del maquillaje!! D: #halffacemakeup #halffacemakeupchallenge #thepowerofmakeup #imstillpretty A photo posted by Daph ♤ Joha♡ (@daphnejooh) on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:32pm PDT Alright. Here goes. This is my #thepowerofmakeup post. Can't say I was overly thrilled with the idea of being bare faced on social media but the message behind this trend is important. This "movement" is not about how different makeup makes you look, but how different it makes you feel. Makeup to me is a way to express my creativity. It's not a mask, unless I want it to be. At the end of the day, I have control over my look. I can motify it, and I can wash it off. I feel like makeup is a way to celebrate your face. It draws attention. Just this past year I really started getting into it as an art form. When I was going through a hard time I just delved into makeup. I needed to throw my emotions into something that I could look back at. Being one who digs makeup I hear and feel alot of the hate and stigma that surrounds it. Whether it's from a place of insecurity or just hateful people who don't understand it. What I mean by that is those posts you see that say "well at least when I wash my face I still have my eyebrows" or comments like"You dont need all that" and "I like natural girls." The truth is most of us aren't wearing it for others. It makes us feel good and we like it. Simple as that. All this being said, I personally don't have that big a chip on my shoulder about it. The only jab I hate is about the...wait for it....eyebrows. Yes, those tufts of hair above our eyeballs. Of course I fill them in(likeaboss) have been for year. I've always had sparse eyebrows. It's really not a big deal. People just make it a big deal. Im not ashamed of it and nobody else should be. Moral of the story is makeup isn't permanent. It's okay to experiment. Enjoy your skin! Do you booboo. Ps sorry if this got ranty. Im not good at words lol. A photo posted by ⠀Jayleen Parrott➳ (@gypsygatorade) on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:17pm PDT
Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Átta trend sem eru ómissandi á útihátíðum Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Eru konur að fresta barneignum of lengi? Glamour Smekklegir gestir hjá Stellu Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour Bambi á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Gönguskór og derhúfa frá Gucci fyrir næsta haust Glamour Kraftgallinn er kominn aftur Glamour Golden Globe 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour H&M byrjar með nýtt vörumerki Glamour