Stjörnurnar samgleðjast samkynhneigðum Ritstjórn skrifar 27. júní 2015 09:00 Bandaríkin lögleiddu hjónaband samkynhneigðra í gær og notuðu stjörnurnar samfélagsmiðlana óspart til þess að samgleðjast samkynhneigðum og heiminum öllum.Fylgstu með Glamour á Instagram og Facebook. A photo posted by @harrystyles on Jun 26, 2015 at 11:34am PDT Finally And at Last! The Revolution Of Love has Begun! #livingforlove #rebelheartsunite A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:23am PDT Love wins!! Love is love!!! #Equality A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:33am PDT love wins #boutdamntime #happybirthdaytome A photo posted by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:09am PDT One of the best days in history today #lovewins #loveislove #loveallaround #equality #marriageequality #soproud #happypride #mypeople #victory #freedom #regram @elleusa xoRZ A photo posted by Rachel Zoe (@rachelzoe) on Jun 26, 2015 at 8:56am PDT ALL 50 STATES!!!! So happy. Times are changing my friends. We have such a long way to go and so much more fighting to do so I hope nobody stops and thinks everything's ok because it isn't, BUT it's days like today, and moments like this that we've all gotta have a drink and celebrate how far we have come. I couldn't be prouder to be gay x love to all x #PRIDE #EQUALITY A photo posted by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on Jun 26, 2015 at 7:45am PDT Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Pharrell Williams og Helen Lasichanh eignuðust þríbura Glamour Flauelið er komið til að vera Glamour Miður sín vegna ágreinings við Kim Cattrall Glamour Hippaleg sumarlína frá Topshop Unique Glamour Geirvartan frelsuð hjá Saint Laurent Glamour Naomi Campell situr fyrir í Puma-línu Rihönna Glamour Ein flík, endalausir möguleikar Glamour Kim íhugar að nota staðgöngumóður Glamour Rauður augnskuggi og neongul hárkolla Glamour
Bandaríkin lögleiddu hjónaband samkynhneigðra í gær og notuðu stjörnurnar samfélagsmiðlana óspart til þess að samgleðjast samkynhneigðum og heiminum öllum.Fylgstu með Glamour á Instagram og Facebook. A photo posted by @harrystyles on Jun 26, 2015 at 11:34am PDT Finally And at Last! The Revolution Of Love has Begun! #livingforlove #rebelheartsunite A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:23am PDT Love wins!! Love is love!!! #Equality A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:33am PDT love wins #boutdamntime #happybirthdaytome A photo posted by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on Jun 26, 2015 at 9:09am PDT One of the best days in history today #lovewins #loveislove #loveallaround #equality #marriageequality #soproud #happypride #mypeople #victory #freedom #regram @elleusa xoRZ A photo posted by Rachel Zoe (@rachelzoe) on Jun 26, 2015 at 8:56am PDT ALL 50 STATES!!!! So happy. Times are changing my friends. We have such a long way to go and so much more fighting to do so I hope nobody stops and thinks everything's ok because it isn't, BUT it's days like today, and moments like this that we've all gotta have a drink and celebrate how far we have come. I couldn't be prouder to be gay x love to all x #PRIDE #EQUALITY A photo posted by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on Jun 26, 2015 at 7:45am PDT
Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Pharrell Williams og Helen Lasichanh eignuðust þríbura Glamour Flauelið er komið til að vera Glamour Miður sín vegna ágreinings við Kim Cattrall Glamour Hippaleg sumarlína frá Topshop Unique Glamour Geirvartan frelsuð hjá Saint Laurent Glamour Naomi Campell situr fyrir í Puma-línu Rihönna Glamour Ein flík, endalausir möguleikar Glamour Kim íhugar að nota staðgöngumóður Glamour Rauður augnskuggi og neongul hárkolla Glamour