Planes diverted away from danger zone By Jón Hákon Halldórsson 25. ágúst 2014 15:44 The airspace southeast of Vatnajökull that was declared as dangerous to flight 100,000 flights were cancelled during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It is doubtful that the same will happen again. Several planes had to deviate from their flight paths because of airspace southeast of Vatnajökull was declared as dangerous to flight, after the eruption under the Dyngjujökull glacier on Saturday. The declaration was revoked yesterday (Sunday) at noon. The world remembers the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 vividly due to the massive disruption in flight traffic that it caused. Sky News claims that 100 thousand flights were cancelled. Since then there have been changes to flight regulations meaning that a similar eruption today is very unlikely to cause such chaos as four years ago. Despite that, flight authorities around the world are observing the situation. Friðþór Eydal, spokesman for ISAVIA, told us yesterday that the total numbers of planes that were diverted was not known. That information would probably be known today. He believes that it wasn't a lot of flights that had to make major changes to their flight paths. "They're really not changing course, they just plot new courses that go past this area," states Friðþór. Only the first planes would have been really affected.Friðþór Eydal.Friðþór's words echo those of Nicholas Wyke, spokesman for Eurocontrol, the European air traffic control. In an e-mail to Associated Press, Wyke stated that it would be very difficult to determine how many planes traveled over the region, as planes often tend to make similar deviations from their flight paths due to weather conditions. "It's unlikely that this danger zone will affect air traffic over the Atlantis in any manner," Wyke claimed on Saturday night. Bryndís Hagan Torfadóttir, executive manager at Scandinavian Airlanes in Iceland, says that her airline suffered no disruptions due to the eruption. "We weren't affected at all, but I make all announcements that are required," she says, and adds that now it's just a waiting game. There are examples of airlines that made drastic changes to their flight schedules. Yesterday a group of Icelanders couldn't return from Germany because Air Berlin cancelled the flight due to fear of an eruption. ITV News also reports that a Virgin Atlantic airline had altered its flight path after the announcement. News in English Tengdar fréttir Composed music from the Bárðarbunga quakes "All music is just data, in a way. You can interpret Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as data, which is just notes of variable pitches at variable times. In that way, earthquakes are no different." 20. ágúst 2014 14:52 Sub-glacial volcanic eruption under Dyngjujökull glacier A small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier. There is no visible eruption cloud and the eruption could remain sub-glacial. 23. ágúst 2014 18:25 Current situation not comparable to Eyjafjallajökull eruption Ongoing magma movement in Bárðarbunga for the past days have raised questions of possible flight disruptions between Iceland and Europe. 19. ágúst 2014 16:15 Bardarbunga earthquake reclassified as magnitude 4.5 Seismologists at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) have reclassified the earthquake close to the Bardarbunga volcano last night. 18. ágúst 2014 22:49 Mapped the Bárðarbunga quakes in a 3D model A 24-year old employee of CCP Games has set up a website that shows the seismic activity at Bárðarbunga in a 3D perspective. 19. ágúst 2014 22:45 The aviation alert level lowered The Icelandic Met Office has lowered the aviation alert level for flights. 24. ágúst 2014 12:40 An eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier Scientists at the Icelandic Met Office believe that a small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier 23. ágúst 2014 14:36 The largest earthquake yet A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has occurred in the Bárðarbunga caldera at 5 km depth at 00:09. It is the strongest event measured since the onset of the seismic crisis at Bárðarbunga. 24. ágúst 2014 00:48 Chances of eruption increase as seismic activity drags on Scientists differ on how to interpret several large quakes from Thursday that originated in the center of the Bárðarbunga caldera. 22. ágúst 2014 11:34 International air traffic not affected International flights still operate to and from Keflavik International Airport, in spite of the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier, near Bárðarbunga, which started earlier today. 23. ágúst 2014 15:20 Magma flowing into Bárðarbunga caldera with great force All highland roads north of Vatnajökull glacier have been closed and all traffic banned, whether by vehicle or on foot. The Bárðarbunga situation is now attracting worldwide attention on a scale similar to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. 20. ágúst 2014 14:41 Strongest earthquake yet in Bardarbunga An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 shook the Bardarbunga volcano just before midnight last night. 22. ágúst 2014 10:13 2800 earthquakes in three days Of these around 950 have occured since midnight today. Several of these events were larger than magnitude 3. 19. ágúst 2014 00:17 Icelandair stocks shake in quake scare Icelandair stocks have dropped sharply since Monday morning. Market analysts agree that the situation at Bárðarbunga is a large factor. 20. ágúst 2014 13:15 No-Fly Zone A large part of southeastern Iceland is a no-fly zone due to the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier. The decision about the no-fly zone is re-estimated every two hours. 23. ágúst 2014 17:11 Magma surge towards the surface would be very powerful The current situation at Bárðarbunga is many times more powerful than the one that led to the Gjálpar eruption in 1996. 20. ágúst 2014 14:58 No signs of receding seismic actvity in Bárðarbunga Close to 300 earthquakes were recorded there last night, of which two reached over 3 on the Richter scale. 21. ágúst 2014 14:03 "There is full reason to expect an eruption" The seismic activity in Bardarbunga on the Vatnajokull glacier is very powerful and therefore full reason to expect a volcanic eruption according to a specialist at The Icelandic Meteorological Office. A live webcam has been placed in the vicinity of Bardarbunga. 18. ágúst 2014 20:58 No obvious signs of volcanic eruption During three hours of aerial surveillance, there were no obvious signs of volcanic activity. 23. ágúst 2014 21:35 Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Úr einu ráðuneyti í annað: Upplýsingafulltrúi verður verkefnastjóri áhersluverkefna Innlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent
100,000 flights were cancelled during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It is doubtful that the same will happen again. Several planes had to deviate from their flight paths because of airspace southeast of Vatnajökull was declared as dangerous to flight, after the eruption under the Dyngjujökull glacier on Saturday. The declaration was revoked yesterday (Sunday) at noon. The world remembers the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 vividly due to the massive disruption in flight traffic that it caused. Sky News claims that 100 thousand flights were cancelled. Since then there have been changes to flight regulations meaning that a similar eruption today is very unlikely to cause such chaos as four years ago. Despite that, flight authorities around the world are observing the situation. Friðþór Eydal, spokesman for ISAVIA, told us yesterday that the total numbers of planes that were diverted was not known. That information would probably be known today. He believes that it wasn't a lot of flights that had to make major changes to their flight paths. "They're really not changing course, they just plot new courses that go past this area," states Friðþór. Only the first planes would have been really affected.Friðþór Eydal.Friðþór's words echo those of Nicholas Wyke, spokesman for Eurocontrol, the European air traffic control. In an e-mail to Associated Press, Wyke stated that it would be very difficult to determine how many planes traveled over the region, as planes often tend to make similar deviations from their flight paths due to weather conditions. "It's unlikely that this danger zone will affect air traffic over the Atlantis in any manner," Wyke claimed on Saturday night. Bryndís Hagan Torfadóttir, executive manager at Scandinavian Airlanes in Iceland, says that her airline suffered no disruptions due to the eruption. "We weren't affected at all, but I make all announcements that are required," she says, and adds that now it's just a waiting game. There are examples of airlines that made drastic changes to their flight schedules. Yesterday a group of Icelanders couldn't return from Germany because Air Berlin cancelled the flight due to fear of an eruption. ITV News also reports that a Virgin Atlantic airline had altered its flight path after the announcement.
News in English Tengdar fréttir Composed music from the Bárðarbunga quakes "All music is just data, in a way. You can interpret Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as data, which is just notes of variable pitches at variable times. In that way, earthquakes are no different." 20. ágúst 2014 14:52 Sub-glacial volcanic eruption under Dyngjujökull glacier A small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier. There is no visible eruption cloud and the eruption could remain sub-glacial. 23. ágúst 2014 18:25 Current situation not comparable to Eyjafjallajökull eruption Ongoing magma movement in Bárðarbunga for the past days have raised questions of possible flight disruptions between Iceland and Europe. 19. ágúst 2014 16:15 Bardarbunga earthquake reclassified as magnitude 4.5 Seismologists at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) have reclassified the earthquake close to the Bardarbunga volcano last night. 18. ágúst 2014 22:49 Mapped the Bárðarbunga quakes in a 3D model A 24-year old employee of CCP Games has set up a website that shows the seismic activity at Bárðarbunga in a 3D perspective. 19. ágúst 2014 22:45 The aviation alert level lowered The Icelandic Met Office has lowered the aviation alert level for flights. 24. ágúst 2014 12:40 An eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier Scientists at the Icelandic Met Office believe that a small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier 23. ágúst 2014 14:36 The largest earthquake yet A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has occurred in the Bárðarbunga caldera at 5 km depth at 00:09. It is the strongest event measured since the onset of the seismic crisis at Bárðarbunga. 24. ágúst 2014 00:48 Chances of eruption increase as seismic activity drags on Scientists differ on how to interpret several large quakes from Thursday that originated in the center of the Bárðarbunga caldera. 22. ágúst 2014 11:34 International air traffic not affected International flights still operate to and from Keflavik International Airport, in spite of the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier, near Bárðarbunga, which started earlier today. 23. ágúst 2014 15:20 Magma flowing into Bárðarbunga caldera with great force All highland roads north of Vatnajökull glacier have been closed and all traffic banned, whether by vehicle or on foot. The Bárðarbunga situation is now attracting worldwide attention on a scale similar to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. 20. ágúst 2014 14:41 Strongest earthquake yet in Bardarbunga An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 shook the Bardarbunga volcano just before midnight last night. 22. ágúst 2014 10:13 2800 earthquakes in three days Of these around 950 have occured since midnight today. Several of these events were larger than magnitude 3. 19. ágúst 2014 00:17 Icelandair stocks shake in quake scare Icelandair stocks have dropped sharply since Monday morning. Market analysts agree that the situation at Bárðarbunga is a large factor. 20. ágúst 2014 13:15 No-Fly Zone A large part of southeastern Iceland is a no-fly zone due to the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier. The decision about the no-fly zone is re-estimated every two hours. 23. ágúst 2014 17:11 Magma surge towards the surface would be very powerful The current situation at Bárðarbunga is many times more powerful than the one that led to the Gjálpar eruption in 1996. 20. ágúst 2014 14:58 No signs of receding seismic actvity in Bárðarbunga Close to 300 earthquakes were recorded there last night, of which two reached over 3 on the Richter scale. 21. ágúst 2014 14:03 "There is full reason to expect an eruption" The seismic activity in Bardarbunga on the Vatnajokull glacier is very powerful and therefore full reason to expect a volcanic eruption according to a specialist at The Icelandic Meteorological Office. A live webcam has been placed in the vicinity of Bardarbunga. 18. ágúst 2014 20:58 No obvious signs of volcanic eruption During three hours of aerial surveillance, there were no obvious signs of volcanic activity. 23. ágúst 2014 21:35 Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Úr einu ráðuneyti í annað: Upplýsingafulltrúi verður verkefnastjóri áhersluverkefna Innlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent
Composed music from the Bárðarbunga quakes "All music is just data, in a way. You can interpret Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as data, which is just notes of variable pitches at variable times. In that way, earthquakes are no different." 20. ágúst 2014 14:52
Sub-glacial volcanic eruption under Dyngjujökull glacier A small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier. There is no visible eruption cloud and the eruption could remain sub-glacial. 23. ágúst 2014 18:25
Current situation not comparable to Eyjafjallajökull eruption Ongoing magma movement in Bárðarbunga for the past days have raised questions of possible flight disruptions between Iceland and Europe. 19. ágúst 2014 16:15
Bardarbunga earthquake reclassified as magnitude 4.5 Seismologists at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) have reclassified the earthquake close to the Bardarbunga volcano last night. 18. ágúst 2014 22:49
Mapped the Bárðarbunga quakes in a 3D model A 24-year old employee of CCP Games has set up a website that shows the seismic activity at Bárðarbunga in a 3D perspective. 19. ágúst 2014 22:45
The aviation alert level lowered The Icelandic Met Office has lowered the aviation alert level for flights. 24. ágúst 2014 12:40
An eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier Scientists at the Icelandic Met Office believe that a small sub-glacial volcanic eruption has now started under the icecap of Dyngjujökull glacier in the Northern part of Vatnajökull glacier 23. ágúst 2014 14:36
The largest earthquake yet A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has occurred in the Bárðarbunga caldera at 5 km depth at 00:09. It is the strongest event measured since the onset of the seismic crisis at Bárðarbunga. 24. ágúst 2014 00:48
Chances of eruption increase as seismic activity drags on Scientists differ on how to interpret several large quakes from Thursday that originated in the center of the Bárðarbunga caldera. 22. ágúst 2014 11:34
International air traffic not affected International flights still operate to and from Keflavik International Airport, in spite of the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier, near Bárðarbunga, which started earlier today. 23. ágúst 2014 15:20
Magma flowing into Bárðarbunga caldera with great force All highland roads north of Vatnajökull glacier have been closed and all traffic banned, whether by vehicle or on foot. The Bárðarbunga situation is now attracting worldwide attention on a scale similar to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. 20. ágúst 2014 14:41
Strongest earthquake yet in Bardarbunga An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 shook the Bardarbunga volcano just before midnight last night. 22. ágúst 2014 10:13
2800 earthquakes in three days Of these around 950 have occured since midnight today. Several of these events were larger than magnitude 3. 19. ágúst 2014 00:17
Icelandair stocks shake in quake scare Icelandair stocks have dropped sharply since Monday morning. Market analysts agree that the situation at Bárðarbunga is a large factor. 20. ágúst 2014 13:15
No-Fly Zone A large part of southeastern Iceland is a no-fly zone due to the eruption in Dyngjujökull glacier. The decision about the no-fly zone is re-estimated every two hours. 23. ágúst 2014 17:11
Magma surge towards the surface would be very powerful The current situation at Bárðarbunga is many times more powerful than the one that led to the Gjálpar eruption in 1996. 20. ágúst 2014 14:58
No signs of receding seismic actvity in Bárðarbunga Close to 300 earthquakes were recorded there last night, of which two reached over 3 on the Richter scale. 21. ágúst 2014 14:03
"There is full reason to expect an eruption" The seismic activity in Bardarbunga on the Vatnajokull glacier is very powerful and therefore full reason to expect a volcanic eruption according to a specialist at The Icelandic Meteorological Office. A live webcam has been placed in the vicinity of Bardarbunga. 18. ágúst 2014 20:58
No obvious signs of volcanic eruption During three hours of aerial surveillance, there were no obvious signs of volcanic activity. 23. ágúst 2014 21:35