Nordic Advertising Awards 27. desember 2006 13:49 Three Icelandic commercials are nominated for the SAA Awards for best advertisements in the Nordic countries. The Icelandic commercials nominated are the Roger Moore commercial for UNICEF made by the Icelandic Advertising Agency and two commercials from the HIVE campaign, where men find themselves in amusing situations. The campaign was made by Jónsson & Lemacks. Viggó Jónsson the creator of the commercials says it's an honor for them to receive two nominations. The SAA Awards are the only awards given in the Nordic countries. Viggó says it only took a day and a half to shoot the commercials but the brainstorming took a few months. The commercials have entertained television viewers. The Roger Moore commercial where the former Bond encourages Icelanders to support children in the third world was also well received in Iceland. News News in English Mest lesið „Já, líklega hef ég verið undrabarn“ Innlent Sleðar bannaðir á opnunartíma: „Leið eins og maður væri ekki velkominn“ Innlent Þarf að taka fjölskylduna inn í myndina Innlent Óvenjulegt mál með hörmulegum afleiðingum Innlent Áslaug Arna boðar til fundar Innlent Enginn megi vera krýndur formaður Innlent Segist ekki muna eftir atburðunum Innlent Meiriháttar líkamsárás í miðbænum Innlent Þýðir ekki að fara á taugum segir borgarstjóri og hyggur á endurkjör Innlent Svarar gagnrýni á að Listaháskólinn útiloki ákveðna hópa Innlent
Three Icelandic commercials are nominated for the SAA Awards for best advertisements in the Nordic countries. The Icelandic commercials nominated are the Roger Moore commercial for UNICEF made by the Icelandic Advertising Agency and two commercials from the HIVE campaign, where men find themselves in amusing situations. The campaign was made by Jónsson & Lemacks. Viggó Jónsson the creator of the commercials says it's an honor for them to receive two nominations. The SAA Awards are the only awards given in the Nordic countries. Viggó says it only took a day and a half to shoot the commercials but the brainstorming took a few months. The commercials have entertained television viewers. The Roger Moore commercial where the former Bond encourages Icelanders to support children in the third world was also well received in Iceland.
News News in English Mest lesið „Já, líklega hef ég verið undrabarn“ Innlent Sleðar bannaðir á opnunartíma: „Leið eins og maður væri ekki velkominn“ Innlent Þarf að taka fjölskylduna inn í myndina Innlent Óvenjulegt mál með hörmulegum afleiðingum Innlent Áslaug Arna boðar til fundar Innlent Enginn megi vera krýndur formaður Innlent Segist ekki muna eftir atburðunum Innlent Meiriháttar líkamsárás í miðbænum Innlent Þýðir ekki að fara á taugum segir borgarstjóri og hyggur á endurkjör Innlent Svarar gagnrýni á að Listaháskólinn útiloki ákveðna hópa Innlent