Hot Destination 1. ágúst 2006 16:18 Sólarlag í Reykjavík Jónsmessa miðnætursól sumar í Reykjavík Mynd úr einkasafni Vilhelms Hexa Reykjavik is among the five hottest city destinations in the world in the next five years according to a new survey conducted by, one of the most popular travel websites in the USA. Every five years, the website selects five places that travellers should visit and experience and are set to become the most popular destinations in the next five years. Writers for the website praise Reykjavík highly, especially the energy of its inhabitants and tremendous hospitality. They also cite excellent leisure spots such as the Blue Lagoon and say that there are enough bars and restaurants in the area to satisfy any needs. The five cities reccommended by for the next five years are Shanghai, Cape Town, Albuquerque and New Orleans. The most popular destinations in the last five years according to were London, Cancun, Toronto, Paris and Vancouver. News News in English Mest lesið Fær bætur vegna árásar grunnskólanema eftir allt saman Innlent Trump beinir spjótum sínum gegn Alþjóðlega sakamáladómstólnum Erlent Fjölskylduferðin hafi ekki haft úrslitaáhrif Innlent Ráðherra segist ekki skilja hvað þau hjá borginni eru að hugsa Innlent Dómari frystir biðlaunatilboð Trump fram yfir helgi Erlent „Það getur enginn unnið við að laga neitt í svona veðri“ Innlent Makaði saur um allt á salerni fyrirtækis Innlent „Þetta hörmulega og sorglega atvik endurspeglar langvinnan vanda“ Innlent Þjófur náðist eftir að hafa haft í hótunum Innlent Segja stefnt að því að fækka starfsmönnum úr 10.000 í 300 Erlent
Reykjavik is among the five hottest city destinations in the world in the next five years according to a new survey conducted by, one of the most popular travel websites in the USA. Every five years, the website selects five places that travellers should visit and experience and are set to become the most popular destinations in the next five years. Writers for the website praise Reykjavík highly, especially the energy of its inhabitants and tremendous hospitality. They also cite excellent leisure spots such as the Blue Lagoon and say that there are enough bars and restaurants in the area to satisfy any needs. The five cities reccommended by for the next five years are Shanghai, Cape Town, Albuquerque and New Orleans. The most popular destinations in the last five years according to were London, Cancun, Toronto, Paris and Vancouver.
News News in English Mest lesið Fær bætur vegna árásar grunnskólanema eftir allt saman Innlent Trump beinir spjótum sínum gegn Alþjóðlega sakamáladómstólnum Erlent Fjölskylduferðin hafi ekki haft úrslitaáhrif Innlent Ráðherra segist ekki skilja hvað þau hjá borginni eru að hugsa Innlent Dómari frystir biðlaunatilboð Trump fram yfir helgi Erlent „Það getur enginn unnið við að laga neitt í svona veðri“ Innlent Makaði saur um allt á salerni fyrirtækis Innlent „Þetta hörmulega og sorglega atvik endurspeglar langvinnan vanda“ Innlent Þjófur náðist eftir að hafa haft í hótunum Innlent Segja stefnt að því að fækka starfsmönnum úr 10.000 í 300 Erlent