Bush Senior goes Fishing 7. júlí 2006 13:55 George Bush veiðir í Selá í Vopnafirði fyrir Austan. Bandaríkjaforseti. Í boði Orri Vigfússon George Bush senior celebrated the fourth of July in Iceland and is currently fishing for salmon in the Selá river in east Iceland. east Iceland . He caught no less than four salmon on his first day of fishing. Bush arrived in Iceland on Tuesday on the invitation of President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and had dinner with the presidential couple on Independence Day. The ex-president of the United States then flew by private jet to Egilstadir, east Iceland late Tuesday night. This is the second time that George Bush senior visits Iceland, the first time being when he was Vice President in 1983. News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent
George Bush senior celebrated the fourth of July in Iceland and is currently fishing for salmon in the Selá river in east Iceland. east Iceland . He caught no less than four salmon on his first day of fishing. Bush arrived in Iceland on Tuesday on the invitation of President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and had dinner with the presidential couple on Independence Day. The ex-president of the United States then flew by private jet to Egilstadir, east Iceland late Tuesday night. This is the second time that George Bush senior visits Iceland, the first time being when he was Vice President in 1983.
News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent