Progressive Party Leaders 29. júní 2006 10:04 Framsóknarflokkur þingmenn fundur um breytingar á ríkisstjórn 10. júní 2006 Jón Sigurðsson Jón Sigurðsson, Minister of Industry and Business has annouced that he will try and seek election as the leader of the Progressive Party this forthcoming fall. Sigurðsson has barely been a minister for month and officially in the party as of this month. This decision does not come as a shock though, as many estimate that Halldór Ásgrímsson picked him to be his successor after he stepped down, despite a rift in the party. This has opened up speculation whether or not the Minister of Health and Insurance, Siv Friðleifsdóttir, will seek election as well. Although there has been heavy speculation that Guðni Ágústsson, who is Vice Chairman of the Progressive Party and Minister of Agriculture will go foward with his plans to seek election. -mld News News in English Mest lesið „Við viljum ekki vera Bandaríkjamenn“ Erlent Gert að loka annarri flugbraut Reykjavíkurflugvallar Innlent Nauðgaði andlega fatlaðri konu ítrekað og lét son hennar horfa á Innlent Húsköttur á Seltjarnarnesi með fuglaflensu Innlent Útgöngubann í borginni í nótt Erlent 85 ára og situr við alla daga og tálgar fugla úr íslensku birki Innlent Fíkniefnanotkun talin meginorsök banaslyss í Lækjargötu Innlent Mönnun tryggð út febrúar en staðan óboðleg Innlent Árið í fyrra það heitasta frá upphafi mælinga Innlent Grunuð um að setja milljónir af opinberu fé inn á veðmálasíður Innlent
Jón Sigurðsson, Minister of Industry and Business has annouced that he will try and seek election as the leader of the Progressive Party this forthcoming fall. Sigurðsson has barely been a minister for month and officially in the party as of this month. This decision does not come as a shock though, as many estimate that Halldór Ásgrímsson picked him to be his successor after he stepped down, despite a rift in the party. This has opened up speculation whether or not the Minister of Health and Insurance, Siv Friðleifsdóttir, will seek election as well. Although there has been heavy speculation that Guðni Ágústsson, who is Vice Chairman of the Progressive Party and Minister of Agriculture will go foward with his plans to seek election. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið „Við viljum ekki vera Bandaríkjamenn“ Erlent Gert að loka annarri flugbraut Reykjavíkurflugvallar Innlent Nauðgaði andlega fatlaðri konu ítrekað og lét son hennar horfa á Innlent Húsköttur á Seltjarnarnesi með fuglaflensu Innlent Útgöngubann í borginni í nótt Erlent 85 ára og situr við alla daga og tálgar fugla úr íslensku birki Innlent Fíkniefnanotkun talin meginorsök banaslyss í Lækjargötu Innlent Mönnun tryggð út febrúar en staðan óboðleg Innlent Árið í fyrra það heitasta frá upphafi mælinga Innlent Grunuð um að setja milljónir af opinberu fé inn á veðmálasíður Innlent