Immigrants in Iceland better students 27. júní 2006 11:07 Ægisborg. Leikskólinn 25 ára. Borgarstjóri á svæðinu. Börn, krakkar, leikskóli, leika, gaman, sumar, syngja Immigrants in Iceland and Sweden seem to be much better students than other immigrant students in Scandanavia, according to a PISA assessment. PISA is the Program for International Student Assessment of the OECD countries. These findings were announced recently in Oslo. Júlíus K Björnsson, chairman of The National Centre for Educational Materials says these findings are not 100% conclusive due to the low amount of immigrants in Iceland compared to the other Nordic countries, and that most of our immigrants tend to be from European countries, therefore they tend to cope better with subjects such as English. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Kortleggja neðanjarðarbyrgi vegna hótana Rússa Erlent Vill eyða vantrausti sem sé olía á eld rasisma Innlent Komin með skýra mynd af andláti móðurinnar Innlent Sprengdu tuttugu hús á tveimur mínútum Erlent Stuðningur við Trump kostaði sambandið við Elon Erlent
Immigrants in Iceland and Sweden seem to be much better students than other immigrant students in Scandanavia, according to a PISA assessment. PISA is the Program for International Student Assessment of the OECD countries. These findings were announced recently in Oslo. Júlíus K Björnsson, chairman of The National Centre for Educational Materials says these findings are not 100% conclusive due to the low amount of immigrants in Iceland compared to the other Nordic countries, and that most of our immigrants tend to be from European countries, therefore they tend to cope better with subjects such as English. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Kortleggja neðanjarðarbyrgi vegna hótana Rússa Erlent Vill eyða vantrausti sem sé olía á eld rasisma Innlent Komin með skýra mynd af andláti móðurinnar Innlent Sprengdu tuttugu hús á tveimur mínútum Erlent Stuðningur við Trump kostaði sambandið við Elon Erlent