Fangaði augnblikin á Instagram fyrir Vogue 5. maí 2015 11:00 Mario Testino Það var gaman að fylgjast með Vogue á Instagram í gærkvöldi en stjörnuljósmyndarinn Mario Testino tók yfir Instagramreikning tímaritsins og sá um að fanga skemmtileg augnablik frá Met Gala. Sjá allt um kjóla kvöldsins hér. Kíkjum á brot af því besta frá Testino á Instagram. AMAL CLOONEY BEING FITTED BY JOHN GALLIANO FOR TONIGHT AT THE MET GALA. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala #AmalClooney #JohnGalliano @maisonmargiela A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 4:49pm PDT @ROSIEHW LEAVING THE HOTEL. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:13pm PDT SARAH JESSICA PARKER. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @sarahjessicaparker A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:36pm PDT By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:55pm PDT @JLO. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 7:23pm PDT @JUSTINBIEBER. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 7:28pm PDT SOLANGE KNOWLES ON THE RED CARPET. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @saintrecords A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 6:49pm PDT That's a wrap on the 2015 #MetGala! Take a 15-sec spin through the night. Video by @danilolauria. @metmuseum #ChinaLookingGlass A video posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 11:28pm PDT VALENTINO AND ANNE HATHAWAY. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @AnneHathaway @maisonvalentino A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 9:18pm PDT Mest lesið Átta trend sem eru ómissandi á útihátíðum Glamour Kraftgallinn er kominn aftur Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Eru konur að fresta barneignum of lengi? Glamour Smekklegir gestir hjá Stellu Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour San Francisco bannar loðfeld Glamour Bambi á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Gönguskór og derhúfa frá Gucci fyrir næsta haust Glamour Golden Globe 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour
Það var gaman að fylgjast með Vogue á Instagram í gærkvöldi en stjörnuljósmyndarinn Mario Testino tók yfir Instagramreikning tímaritsins og sá um að fanga skemmtileg augnablik frá Met Gala. Sjá allt um kjóla kvöldsins hér. Kíkjum á brot af því besta frá Testino á Instagram. AMAL CLOONEY BEING FITTED BY JOHN GALLIANO FOR TONIGHT AT THE MET GALA. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala #AmalClooney #JohnGalliano @maisonmargiela A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 4:49pm PDT @ROSIEHW LEAVING THE HOTEL. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:13pm PDT SARAH JESSICA PARKER. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @sarahjessicaparker A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:36pm PDT By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 5:55pm PDT @JLO. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 7:23pm PDT @JUSTINBIEBER. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 7:28pm PDT SOLANGE KNOWLES ON THE RED CARPET. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @saintrecords A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 6:49pm PDT That's a wrap on the 2015 #MetGala! Take a 15-sec spin through the night. Video by @danilolauria. @metmuseum #ChinaLookingGlass A video posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 11:28pm PDT VALENTINO AND ANNE HATHAWAY. By @MarioTestino #MetByTestino #MetGala @AnneHathaway @maisonvalentino A photo posted by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 4, 2015 at 9:18pm PDT
Mest lesið Átta trend sem eru ómissandi á útihátíðum Glamour Kraftgallinn er kominn aftur Glamour Verst klæddu stjörnurnar á VMA hátíðinni Glamour Eru konur að fresta barneignum of lengi? Glamour Smekklegir gestir hjá Stellu Glamour Hvar er Kalli? Glamour San Francisco bannar loðfeld Glamour Bambi á forsíðu Glamour Glamour Gönguskór og derhúfa frá Gucci fyrir næsta haust Glamour Golden Globe 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour