Óunnar sjálfsmyndir - #BreakYourSelfie 24. mars 2015 00:01 #BreakYourSelfie er herferð á Instagram. visir/getty Sjónvarpsstjarnan Millie Mackintosh hefur í samstarfi við Reebok komið af stað herferð á Instagram undir kassmerkinu #BreakYourSelfie. Með þessu hvetur hún fólk til birta myndir af sér í ræktinni sem er ekki búið að eiga við með myndvinnsluforritum á borð við Photoshop. This is how happy #doubleunders make me!! . Los #doblesdecomba me hacen así de feliz!! . #fit #fitfam #fitspo #crossfit #crossfitproblems #healthy #happy #stronggirl #tonedgirl #fitgirl @crossfit_maheritrio #instafit #girlgains #jumprope #breakyourselfie #bemorehuman A photo posted by Kajo Land (@kajoland) on Mar 24, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT Rainy #London. There are many days when we wake up feeling deflated and incapable. A big fat NO stuck to our foreheads (bad sleep? One too many troubles of the heart and mind? Anything!) Its unrealistic to think up we can feel 100% smiley every day-On these low days, it's always important to be #kind to ourselves, but sometimes we need an extra kick to actively command our inner voice to shout #YES, I am #strong, I am #capable, #ICanDoThis #IAmReady ... Even when you might not feel it. It's not a magic cure, but by stepping out into the world with these words, we cause a change that encourages us to be more open to receiving #goodvibes even on our worst days. One of the simplest remedies tied in with that is #physical #movement-15 minutes of #exercise can clear your mind and rejuvenate. Go for that #walk #run #yogaflow #workout #climb #dance #swim and burn up the anxiety. I'm very lucky that I get to guide #Strala STRONG #yoga tonight @archclimbing because connecting with people always turns my world around. #humanconnection #sayyes #breakyourselfie #fitspo #fitness #health #thisgirlcan #ellefit #bestrong #yogaforeveryone A photo posted by Tiffany Soi (@tiffany_soi) on Mar 26, 2015 at 4:33am PDT Glamour Fegurð Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Pharrell Williams og Helen Lasichanh eignuðust þríbura Glamour Flauelið er komið til að vera Glamour Miður sín vegna ágreinings við Kim Cattrall Glamour Hippaleg sumarlína frá Topshop Unique Glamour Naomi Campell situr fyrir í Puma-línu Rihönna Glamour Ein flík, endalausir möguleikar Glamour Kim íhugar að nota staðgöngumóður Glamour Rauður augnskuggi og neongul hárkolla Glamour Gigi Hadid litar sig dökkhærða Glamour
Sjónvarpsstjarnan Millie Mackintosh hefur í samstarfi við Reebok komið af stað herferð á Instagram undir kassmerkinu #BreakYourSelfie. Með þessu hvetur hún fólk til birta myndir af sér í ræktinni sem er ekki búið að eiga við með myndvinnsluforritum á borð við Photoshop. This is how happy #doubleunders make me!! . Los #doblesdecomba me hacen así de feliz!! . #fit #fitfam #fitspo #crossfit #crossfitproblems #healthy #happy #stronggirl #tonedgirl #fitgirl @crossfit_maheritrio #instafit #girlgains #jumprope #breakyourselfie #bemorehuman A photo posted by Kajo Land (@kajoland) on Mar 24, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT Rainy #London. There are many days when we wake up feeling deflated and incapable. A big fat NO stuck to our foreheads (bad sleep? One too many troubles of the heart and mind? Anything!) Its unrealistic to think up we can feel 100% smiley every day-On these low days, it's always important to be #kind to ourselves, but sometimes we need an extra kick to actively command our inner voice to shout #YES, I am #strong, I am #capable, #ICanDoThis #IAmReady ... Even when you might not feel it. It's not a magic cure, but by stepping out into the world with these words, we cause a change that encourages us to be more open to receiving #goodvibes even on our worst days. One of the simplest remedies tied in with that is #physical #movement-15 minutes of #exercise can clear your mind and rejuvenate. Go for that #walk #run #yogaflow #workout #climb #dance #swim and burn up the anxiety. I'm very lucky that I get to guide #Strala STRONG #yoga tonight @archclimbing because connecting with people always turns my world around. #humanconnection #sayyes #breakyourselfie #fitspo #fitness #health #thisgirlcan #ellefit #bestrong #yogaforeveryone A photo posted by Tiffany Soi (@tiffany_soi) on Mar 26, 2015 at 4:33am PDT
Glamour Fegurð Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Pharrell Williams og Helen Lasichanh eignuðust þríbura Glamour Flauelið er komið til að vera Glamour Miður sín vegna ágreinings við Kim Cattrall Glamour Hippaleg sumarlína frá Topshop Unique Glamour Naomi Campell situr fyrir í Puma-línu Rihönna Glamour Ein flík, endalausir möguleikar Glamour Kim íhugar að nota staðgöngumóður Glamour Rauður augnskuggi og neongul hárkolla Glamour Gigi Hadid litar sig dökkhærða Glamour