Icelandic brothers a hit at Kickstarter: A universally connectible cable By Bjarki Ármannsson 26. febrúar 2015 15:53 The brothers plan to put the product on the market in July. IMAGE/JANULUS The Icelandic brothers Ágúst Arnar Ágústsson and Einar Ágústsson are the creators of the TOB-cable, a new invention that appeared on the website of Kickstarter about a week ago and it has already approximately raised double the amount than originally intended. The cable has several adapters and it is possible to connect it to USB, HDMI, lightning or an audio connector.The dream is to get rid of any adapters „The purpose of this is not to have all this tangle all the time,“ Ágúst Arnar says. „Maybe you have seen cables where it it possible to have one adapter, but we're offering to make this an audio cable or HDMI-cable that is now totally pioneering. What we're offering you is to get rid of quite a lot of cables.“ The title of the invention at the Kickstarter-site „one cable for everything,“ and in the long run the brothers are going to develope the cable so that it will be possible to connect it to chargers, laptops and a lot of other things. One day, there will be no need for any adapters. „It is dream that there are not all of these connectors, that you can do anything through TOB, “ Ágúst says. „But it is of course in the long run."The chord is meant to offer the possibility to connect a smartphone to a flat screen.IMAGE/JANULUSThe product was created by chance The brothers have worked on the cable since June last year. The development started by kind of a chance, but they stumbled on the idea when working on another project for Kickstarter: a portable wind turbine. „We had some difficulties with the design of it and we need to make a waterproof USB-system,“ Ágúst explains. „So we make this connector and a whole other product is created and we realize that it may solve all other problems.“ Then preparation for the TOB-cable began, finally appeared on Kickstarter this month. It was Ágúst's and Einar's goal to collect 20 thousand American dollars in one month. They managed to do it during the first three days and now the amount is almost 45 thousand dollars. „It is great to see this and people obviously have faith in this," Ágúst says. The next step is simply a mass production of the TOB-cable and a home delivery to those who have ordered it on the internet. The brothers have just arrived from China, where they visited factories and studied "the business.“ "As soon as the Kickstart-fundraising is finished, we start negotiating and collecting orders. It is our aim to deliver the product in the end of July." News in English Tengdar fréttir Icelandic UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson reveals a secret UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson has a talent. Well, maybe not a talent, but a secret. A secret until this past weekend. 18. febrúar 2015 23:15 Take a walk through Europe´s second largest glacier An Icelandic company is taking a new step in offering a real Ice-experience for visitors of the country of fire, ice and midnight sun. 17. febrúar 2015 11:28 The Mountain challenges Hulk Hogan: "I will snap you like a carrot" Icelandic strongman and Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson might be facing his greatest challenge to date. 20. febrúar 2015 12:43 Fancy facilities: Icelandic banker heads to prison Olafur Olafsson, one of the majority owners of bankrupt Icelandic bank Kaupthing, has begun serving his 4,5 year prison sentence. 25. febrúar 2015 17:30 Mest lesið „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Úr einu ráðuneyti í annað: Upplýsingafulltrúi verður verkefnastjóri áhersluverkefna Innlent Bæjarstjóri sleginn yfir ákvörðun Icelandair Innlent Bandaríkjamenn setja vopnasendingar á bið Erlent Kennarar samþykkja kjarasamning Innlent Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn hafi aldrei verið í verri stöðu Innlent
The Icelandic brothers Ágúst Arnar Ágústsson and Einar Ágústsson are the creators of the TOB-cable, a new invention that appeared on the website of Kickstarter about a week ago and it has already approximately raised double the amount than originally intended. The cable has several adapters and it is possible to connect it to USB, HDMI, lightning or an audio connector.The dream is to get rid of any adapters „The purpose of this is not to have all this tangle all the time,“ Ágúst Arnar says. „Maybe you have seen cables where it it possible to have one adapter, but we're offering to make this an audio cable or HDMI-cable that is now totally pioneering. What we're offering you is to get rid of quite a lot of cables.“ The title of the invention at the Kickstarter-site „one cable for everything,“ and in the long run the brothers are going to develope the cable so that it will be possible to connect it to chargers, laptops and a lot of other things. One day, there will be no need for any adapters. „It is dream that there are not all of these connectors, that you can do anything through TOB, “ Ágúst says. „But it is of course in the long run."The chord is meant to offer the possibility to connect a smartphone to a flat screen.IMAGE/JANULUSThe product was created by chance The brothers have worked on the cable since June last year. The development started by kind of a chance, but they stumbled on the idea when working on another project for Kickstarter: a portable wind turbine. „We had some difficulties with the design of it and we need to make a waterproof USB-system,“ Ágúst explains. „So we make this connector and a whole other product is created and we realize that it may solve all other problems.“ Then preparation for the TOB-cable began, finally appeared on Kickstarter this month. It was Ágúst's and Einar's goal to collect 20 thousand American dollars in one month. They managed to do it during the first three days and now the amount is almost 45 thousand dollars. „It is great to see this and people obviously have faith in this," Ágúst says. The next step is simply a mass production of the TOB-cable and a home delivery to those who have ordered it on the internet. The brothers have just arrived from China, where they visited factories and studied "the business.“ "As soon as the Kickstart-fundraising is finished, we start negotiating and collecting orders. It is our aim to deliver the product in the end of July."
News in English Tengdar fréttir Icelandic UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson reveals a secret UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson has a talent. Well, maybe not a talent, but a secret. A secret until this past weekend. 18. febrúar 2015 23:15 Take a walk through Europe´s second largest glacier An Icelandic company is taking a new step in offering a real Ice-experience for visitors of the country of fire, ice and midnight sun. 17. febrúar 2015 11:28 The Mountain challenges Hulk Hogan: "I will snap you like a carrot" Icelandic strongman and Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson might be facing his greatest challenge to date. 20. febrúar 2015 12:43 Fancy facilities: Icelandic banker heads to prison Olafur Olafsson, one of the majority owners of bankrupt Icelandic bank Kaupthing, has begun serving his 4,5 year prison sentence. 25. febrúar 2015 17:30 Mest lesið „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Úr einu ráðuneyti í annað: Upplýsingafulltrúi verður verkefnastjóri áhersluverkefna Innlent Bæjarstjóri sleginn yfir ákvörðun Icelandair Innlent Bandaríkjamenn setja vopnasendingar á bið Erlent Kennarar samþykkja kjarasamning Innlent Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn hafi aldrei verið í verri stöðu Innlent
Icelandic UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson reveals a secret UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson has a talent. Well, maybe not a talent, but a secret. A secret until this past weekend. 18. febrúar 2015 23:15
Take a walk through Europe´s second largest glacier An Icelandic company is taking a new step in offering a real Ice-experience for visitors of the country of fire, ice and midnight sun. 17. febrúar 2015 11:28
The Mountain challenges Hulk Hogan: "I will snap you like a carrot" Icelandic strongman and Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson might be facing his greatest challenge to date. 20. febrúar 2015 12:43
Fancy facilities: Icelandic banker heads to prison Olafur Olafsson, one of the majority owners of bankrupt Icelandic bank Kaupthing, has begun serving his 4,5 year prison sentence. 25. febrúar 2015 17:30