Police to carry guns 12. október 2006 10:12 Miðbær miðbæjarnótt skemmtun fyllerí drykkja Úttekt á Miðbæjarlífinu um helgar Lögreglan Löggan talar við vitni að líkamsáras fórnarlambið situr í tröppu So far the Icelandic police force has been unarmed, however that might change in the near future. A work group who re-evaluated the equipment used by the Icelandic police today states that the police force will need better special equipment. Guns, bullet proof vests and bullet proof helmets are part of that equipment. The proposal states that at least 20% of the police force should be able to carry this equipment in each police station in the country. News about guns being increasingly used in interference between police and civilians bring forth questions about the police safety. Jón F. Bjartmarz, Chief Police Officer, was the chairman of the work group that reached this decision. The group’s proposals were introduced to Björn Bjarnason, Ministry of Justice. The issue of increasing the police force safety has frequently come up, said Jón when asked if recent news about civilians carrying guns is a reason for police to wear bullet proof vests. However, the agenda has never been that police wears bullet proof vests in their daily job environment. Bullet proof vests are used in dangerous assignments. Jón says it was long overdue to re-evaluate security issues that police face in their every day jobs. The work environment of the police has increasingly been getting tougher during the last few years. Violence and knife attacks happen every weekend. Cases were guns are involved are also on the rise. The police is looking into the matter on how to respond to this tougher underground scene in Reykjavík. News News in English Mest lesið Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Lýsa yfir hættustigi vegna yfirvofandi eldgoss Innlent Ekki ljóst hvort skýringar Sjálfstæðismanna haldi vatni Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Nítján lík sögð hafa fundist eftir flugslys í Washington Erlent Ýtti konu fyrir bíl Innlent Segir Sjálfstæðismenn hyggja á setuverkfall verði þeim vísað á dyr Innlent Rússneskir heimsmeistarar meðal farþega vélarinnar Erlent Hæstiréttur blandar sér í málið sem setti svip sinn á forsetakosningarnar Innlent Fjórðungur barna enn í bleyju í aðlögun fyrir grunnskóla Erlent
So far the Icelandic police force has been unarmed, however that might change in the near future. A work group who re-evaluated the equipment used by the Icelandic police today states that the police force will need better special equipment. Guns, bullet proof vests and bullet proof helmets are part of that equipment. The proposal states that at least 20% of the police force should be able to carry this equipment in each police station in the country. News about guns being increasingly used in interference between police and civilians bring forth questions about the police safety. Jón F. Bjartmarz, Chief Police Officer, was the chairman of the work group that reached this decision. The group’s proposals were introduced to Björn Bjarnason, Ministry of Justice. The issue of increasing the police force safety has frequently come up, said Jón when asked if recent news about civilians carrying guns is a reason for police to wear bullet proof vests. However, the agenda has never been that police wears bullet proof vests in their daily job environment. Bullet proof vests are used in dangerous assignments. Jón says it was long overdue to re-evaluate security issues that police face in their every day jobs. The work environment of the police has increasingly been getting tougher during the last few years. Violence and knife attacks happen every weekend. Cases were guns are involved are also on the rise. The police is looking into the matter on how to respond to this tougher underground scene in Reykjavík.
News News in English Mest lesið Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Lýsa yfir hættustigi vegna yfirvofandi eldgoss Innlent Ekki ljóst hvort skýringar Sjálfstæðismanna haldi vatni Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Nítján lík sögð hafa fundist eftir flugslys í Washington Erlent Ýtti konu fyrir bíl Innlent Segir Sjálfstæðismenn hyggja á setuverkfall verði þeim vísað á dyr Innlent Rússneskir heimsmeistarar meðal farþega vélarinnar Erlent Hæstiréttur blandar sér í málið sem setti svip sinn á forsetakosningarnar Innlent Fjórðungur barna enn í bleyju í aðlögun fyrir grunnskóla Erlent