Protests at Eyjabakkar 26. júlí 2006 15:56 Snæfell gengið kvöldsólin á öræfum Protestors have just closed the road to Ufsarstífla dam at the Eyjabakka area, east central Iceland. Police has just arrived at the area. A large number of both Icelanders and foreign nationals are protesting the iminent flooding of the area due to the dam. Protestors say that they are raising public awareness of the fact that the National Power Company are working at the Eyjabakka area in spite of 45 thousand Icelanders signing a petition to the Government to make the area a protected natural site. The Eyjabakkar area is the habitat of reindeer, pink-footed geese and a wide variety of other birds. News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent
Protestors have just closed the road to Ufsarstífla dam at the Eyjabakka area, east central Iceland. Police has just arrived at the area. A large number of both Icelanders and foreign nationals are protesting the iminent flooding of the area due to the dam. Protestors say that they are raising public awareness of the fact that the National Power Company are working at the Eyjabakka area in spite of 45 thousand Icelanders signing a petition to the Government to make the area a protected natural site. The Eyjabakkar area is the habitat of reindeer, pink-footed geese and a wide variety of other birds.
News News in English Mest lesið Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Gaseitrun talin ólíkleg þrátt fyrir gasleka Erlent „Þetta eru auðvitað náttúruhamfarir“ Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent Afnemur handhafalaun vegna forsetavalds Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Alvotech fær ekki að byggja leikskóla Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent